
ok well saturday was planned out that id go see ty ( a cute boy i nvr met but tlk to thru txt cuz my friend kne him but he lives like 4 hrs away) play football for him town against other towns in our state. see luckly for me they played at a place that is like 5 min from my house. and they litt played ALL DAY so i was planning to go at like 9am and stay till like 10 pm. well apparently i had a parade i had to b in for drums from 9-12 so i was forced there. ty was excited, i was ( i made him cookies) and i was like ready at like 1 but then my ride didnt cum till 3. but i got to c him!!! i was sooo happy... except we didnt talk.. and idk he kinda stood me up but he said it was cuz he was too shy to talk to me cuz i was pretty... its cute but idk if it was juz a line used so i wouldnt b mad at him... idk... hes cute : ].... to good to be true... idk wat to think. i mean i stayed there till 12 at night juz waiting for him to cum to me cuz he said he would... but he nvr did. but dang he is a BEAST at lie haha.. anyways the circled guy is ty : ]

tiffa <33333
