
im so swamped, everyday after school( 3 -9) is play practice, i come home, then go to bed. its so exhausting. but our first show is tommarwo. Im not rlly nervous... idk i benn in like one play before and i do drums for concert and marching band all the time so i should be okays. wish me luck... jons on tech so i see him alot. :[
anyways fri we cant go tricker treating cuz of our football game and if we loose this game no more marching band! no more marching band means i'll never see.... i'll never see... jon ever again... i know its for the best but... at our last practice i was bawling my eyes out at the end and he and like a thounsand other pep were trying to figure out wat was wrong... *sighs* this is gonna be hard : [
and sat is an all day performance/last performance day. so once again wish me luck. <33 u all
