
well these are pics from my buisy weekend the first two are from tuesday, in band we had a halloween parade, i was ahooters grl lmao... then the 3rd row is pics from senior skip day, we went out to eat, my bff is the grl with the black hair! the forth line is pics before our first show of High school musical, i was a jock, and we did good : ] then the 5th row is pics from our last football game.. w elost unfortantly so no playoffs.... i was bawling my eyes out at the end lol. then later that night was the band party which is the 6th row down. and then sat was all day performances then right after that was the after party ( 7th and 8th row) that went till like 2am, i was very tired lol. The pink dots are all of jon or his gf chey :/... and oddly jon has been blowing me off....*sighs*well now i wont be buisy much anymore
