
Last night I wasn't on because I was at my high schools homecoming game. We won 35-7.

I have to go mow the lawn tody.


Long Day

Well My sickness is finally over (I hope). today They announced what our fall musical is going to be and its Dracul, a musical version a Dracula. I'm going to learn how to sing over the next 3 months so I'll be ready for the auditions. We are the first high school in the nation, and the only company other than the broadway one to perform this play. the author of the play is coming out to see us perform it. I'm so excited! I want to be Dracula or Renfield.

If you go to my randomness world you'll see an origami project. That thing took forever to put together and get posted. Well I'm gonna get off and go to bed soon. Goodnight


th emo corner is starting to smell

this morning i threw up again. this sucks so much. We got our parts in drama, and I have hardly any lines.

I can't escape my emo corner. and the more I stay there the worse it gets. the worse it gets the harder it is to get out.


*emo corner*

Today I went to the doctor because I threw up again, and the throwing up isn't motion sickness. Its a psychosomatic response (physycal unwellness in response to mental unwellness) to anxiety and depression. So now I'm going to try this therapy stuff to fix the problem so I don't have to take happy pills.



Mike's birthday was the other day so last I was at his house all night. we spent all night playing Halo 3. I'm so freakin' tired.

During the party Amber, Mike's girlfriend from out of town called. She's such a B**** I freackin' hate her! A few months ago she broke up with me, and asked out Mike all in the period of about a minute, WHILE WE WERE ON A DATE!!! Needless to say it was a very nasty breakup, she hates me back so were kinda even. I didn't hold it against Mike though, but I still hate Amber!

Other than that, it was a fun party.
