Hello! Your princess is totally not in another castle, dude!~ ;D *brick'd* Hey, I could use that for ideas! 8D *picks up brick*
Lame videogame references aside, this is my personal world. For updates and getting to know the chick behind the username!^_^
Yes. I named the world after that videogame! XD

Hetalia Wallpaper Series

Well, it seems I'll be trusted to continue Berri's I <3 Hetalia/Hetalia Hotties wallpaper series!^_^ Isn't that good news?! I'll do my best so Berri-tan will not be disappointed! Even though she moved away!!! I still don't think she's forgotten about me, though!^_^ Wish me luck, everyone!

Hello! ^_^

Hello, everyone! ^_^ I'm Bethany! Or the American friend Berri kept talking about. I finally decided to join, and I guess I'll take overfrom where she left off. But with lots more HETALIA! :D! Hee hee~ I'm also plotting on another world. Let's hope it's a success! So much to do... So little time!