hi hi! Im Beverly, Ck's homegirl and partner in crime lol. lets start out about me:
name: Beverly
alias: Mizeri B, loki, ann, Bev.
hair: Blonde
eyes: hazel
age: 15
likes: emo guys (shane <3), singing, taking pics, drawing, painting, writing stories, partyin, weed, vodka and sex.

dislikes: fakes, bobby, dutch, the sun, hannah montana.
tattoos: ankle: kanji of midnight. wrist: pentagram.

Add me on myspace: www.myspace.com/mortal_sin666
or Yahoo IM: xxmiseryxx@ymail.com =]

Bev <3 shane


Note the title says it all.....
Yes ppl im sick...which is very surpising for those of you that know me. Ive been this way for a week and they say i might have the flu so i aint goin anywhere for a while...


Dude i went to the fair yesterday with briana, her brother and everyone else. I got a pair of pink fluffy bunny ears that light up -.-' We were riding the fireball cuz it was my first time and we were completely upside down and i look down and was like "Uh bri i forgot something..." she laughed at me and was like "what" i ended up looking at her and at we went down i almost screamed "im kinda afraid of heights.." yea...we were laughing our ass's off riding all the rides that like make u sick... -.-' plus brandon threw up...
I snuck shane home too cuz right now he's pirched on my shoulder asleep i think. idk but i gave brandon a tattoo.. he wanted a cross on his middle finger and when i was doin it he kept on jurking and stuff. but yea

One year....

October 11, Ill never forget the day... As time passes and it gets closer to that special day... And every day the depression gets worse. The closer i get to it; the more memories come back...the nightmares.. I feel like im fucking losing my mind alittle bit more each day; I've stopped sleeping again too...even eating. Ill be counting down the days, to wat wouldve been our year together but its only the count down to my sadness.

Is it ok to have dreams...of the man you used to love...gazing up into his eyes sorrowfully as the last of the blood slides out of your wrist and you take your last breath.. dedicating it to him...only to be rewarded by a eternaty of roaming through the darkness.
*sighs* I dont know any more. Its just getting harder and harder to smile as the days go by....

"I just hope this will go away"


[X] You own an iPod/mp3 player. (Duh)
[ ] You love Starbucks to death.
[X] You have been called a asshole.
[X] You have tons of shoes.
[x] You hate buying things that are on sale.
[X] You have a laptop.
[X] Black is one of your favorite colors.
[x] You wear chains.
[X] You like heavy metal.
[X] You've shopped at Hot Topic.
[x] You have worn black lipstick.
[X] You have/had/want/wanted piercings.
[x] You own a pair of Tripp pants.
[X] You have at least one unnaturally colored haired friend.
[X] You can skateboard.
[x] You like plaid.
[X] You have Converse.
[X] You hate MTV. (GIVE ME MY MUSIC)
[X] You have/had/want/wanted blue, pink, red, purple, or green hair.
[ ] You love mohawks.
[X] You LOVE music.
[X] HATE people who pretend to be something they are not.
[X] You are sad sometimes. (lots)
[X] You have dark colored glasses. (when i do where my glasses)
[X] You cry easily.
[X] You like emo music.
[X] You've kept a journal/diary.
[X] You have written a sad poem.
[x] You have dyed your hair.(nope not yet.)
[ ] You're sad when you're drunk. (hell no..im horny!)
[X] You like rap.
[ ] You have said "Fo Sho, Fo Shizzle, Fo Sheezy, etc.
[ ] You have worn/wanted a grill. (ill keep my fanges thank you)
[X] You have had a freestyling contest. (i kick ass)
[ ] You have worn your shoes with the tongue flipped out. (joe is a idiot)
[ ] You know most of the lines from Boyz N Da Hood. (never saw it)
[ ] You own a huge gold chain with a giant gold pendant.
[X] You like loud music.
[X] You love/like the Ninja Turtles.
[X] You have slip-on shoes.
[ ] You like Norma Jean. (who..)
[X] People have called you a freak and meant it lovingly. (There are times though)
[X] You love to "hardcore" dance.
[x] Your hair has been dyed more than one color.
[X] You wear jeans a lot.
[ ] You LOVE The OC. (eh?)
[ ] You had/have/want a tiny/small sized dog. (ew there like sewer rats..)
[ ] Your usual outfits consist of pink.
[X] You like buying shoes. (hell yea)
[ ] You have clothes from Hollister, AE, and/or Abercrombie.
[X] Getting your nails done is a fun thing.
[X] You have/had big sunglasses.
[x] You can't go anywhere without your hair perfect
[ ] You watch/watched the Superbowl.
[ ] You own track shoes or cleats other sports related shoes.
[ ] You collect jerseys.
[ ] You have/had a special shelf for trophies and awards.
[ ] Your garage/shed consists of sports equipment.
[ ] You belong/belonged to a team.
[ ] You have a specific number preferred for your jersey.
[x] You have mini-skirts.
[X] You have parted your hair to the side.( Well, My hair is long enough)
[X] You think polka-dots are way cute.
[X] You have done a peace sign while you pose for a picture.
[X] You've been called a scene before.
[X] You wear/wore long, colorful socks with your skirts. (neon)
[X] Gone four wheeling. (did a backflip off one too)
[X] Went hunting. (dur..)
[X] Owned a four/three-wheeler or dirt bike. (i live in the middle of the country)
[ ] Like to go fishing.
[X] Eat beef jerky. (its deer jerky)
[X] Ever said GIT-R-DONE. (that’s the Phrase where I’m from)
[X] Listened to the song Redneck Woman.(HELL YEA...)
[ ] Know who Bocephus is. (..whodja wat.)
[X] You wear band shirts a lot. (A LOT)
[X] If people down-talk metal, you down-talk their favorite music.
[X] You like bands like As I Lay Dying, Lamb Of God, and All That Remains.
[ ] You HATE emos. (no im a emo)
[X] You like Black Sabbath.(hell yea)
[ ] You have gone to Ozzfest. (i wish)
[X] You have a headband.
[ ] You don't like rap.
[X] You have a taste for classic rock, as well.


How is everybody? Lol i just woke up resently and got straight on here so yea.. Oh yea tommarow is gonna be me and my lil bros first day of homeschooling!!!!!!! I like being at home cuz i just sit around and play xbox 360 or on my dsi like all the time or walk... but tommarow im going to cks!!! and then sunday she's gonna get to meet my dads side of the family and see all 45 acres of farm land =] i wanna take her up to the family compound in the mountians one summer lol but anyways im going to go walk.
bye pps! oh and ck when you read this call me...