
its a survey bitchez lol

- Name: Beverly ann cantrell :]
- Age: 15
- Single or taken: taken <3
- Gender: Female
- Birthday: June 28
- Sign: cancer
- Hair colour: natural-dirty blonde
current-orangish, blond/brown idk
- Eye colour: changes. diff. shades of brown, yellow, red, black, and apparently green now :/
- Height: 5'6" i think
- Are you straight/bisexual/gay?: bi

-----------F A S H I O N | S T U F F --------------

- Favourite place to shop for clothes?: hot topic
- Favourite foot wear?: flip flops! :D
- What is your most comfortable outfit?: skinny jeans, my hoodie, vans, and my rainbowy shirt! :]
- What do you usually wear?: jeans, if im at home i dont bother to wear a shirt under my hoodie. (im home all the time anyways)

-------------- S P E C I F I C S -------------------

- What kind of shampoo do you use?: uuhh idk but its green and smells like apples :] (lol so does my body wash and conditioner lol)
- What are you listening to right now?: Crystal Kay - Namida No Saki Ni (look it up lol)
- Who is the last person that called you?: OMFG i cant remember i rarely use the damn hates me.. <.<
- How many buddies are online right now?: idk.

------------- F A V O U R I T E S ----------------

- Food: Strawberry shortcake!!!!!!!!
- Girls names:idk
- Boys names: lol its obvious. XD ...shane..
- Subjects in school: um...this question doesnt apply to me lol
- Animals: cat. :]

---------------- H A V E | Y O U | E V E R -------------

- Given anyone a bath?: my kitty :]
- Smoked?: lol i smoke..heeellloooo lol
- Bungee jumped?: oh hell to the fucking no o.o
- Made yourself throw up?: yes....dont ask...
- Skinny dipped?: yes lol
- Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: um yes but i was a lil kid lol
- Pictured your crush naked?: oh i do that all the time... *drools* lol ^////^ i love you shaney-kun
- Actually seen your crush naked?: no
- Cried when someone died?: not at first..miss you mawmaw <3 :[
- Lied: yea of course
- Fallen for your best friend?: yes >///>
- Rejected someone?: yup
- Used someone?: yes actually ive used all of my bf's exept for 2 and thats shane, and brandon.
- Done something you regret?: yea but i dont want to talk about it.... :/

------------ C U R R E N T --------------

- Clothes: my normal hoodie, jeans, and shoes lol
- Desktop picture: lol anime southpark XD lol im a kenny fangirl :]
- CD in player: none
- DVD in player: x-men

---------------- L A S T | P E R S O N ----------------------

- You touched: candace.
- Hugged: candace lol
- You E-mailed: brett and i ended up cussing him out was fun *snickers*
- Talked to online: tim my stripper.

--------------- A R E | Y O U ---------------------

- Understanding: yes.
- Open-minded: always.
- Arrogant: lol idk but ive been told i am lol
- Insecure?: very....
- Random?: yep ^///^ rachet cant understand me half the time lol
- Hungry: nope just got done eating actually
- Smart: i am...its just that im a dumbass.
- Moody: lol i am bipolar so wat do you think lol
- Organized: depends lol. cause sometimes my ocd kicks in and i have to clean and organize everything :/
- Shy: depends lol.... ^/////^
- Difficult: hell yea
- Bored easily: lol you can blow me a smoke bubble and ill be amused for 20 minutes so i dont think so.
- Obsessed: maaybe. <3
- Angry: no...why would i be angry..
- Sad: kinda :/
- Happy: when i think of rachet (my best freind) im happy but when i think of shane im the happiest thing in the world <3
- Hyper: no...i have a bloody headache lol
- Trusting: idk..some people cant trust me at all..some trust me with thing noone else knows so it just depends.

--------- W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A --------

- Kill?: hmmmmm....brett, brett, briana kinda, jake, chris, who else...
- Slap?: everyone lol but mainly my brother (im gonna get him back for hitting me in the back of the head with the frying pan...and for stabing me, and bashing my head into the floor, and almost putting me through a wall....)
- Get really wasted with?: i want to get my bf wasted just once..once!!!!!
- Get high with: claude lol
- Talk to: shaney-kun <3

------------------ R A N D O M ---------------------

- In the morning I: go to sleep cause my morning starts at 3:30 pm half the time lol
- Love is: Shane <3
- I dream about: shane <3
- Sexual turn-on: if you bite me...
- What do you notice first in the sex you're into: well either way for me its their eyes <3

--------------- W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R ---------------

- Coke or Pepsi: SUNDROP!! and pepsi :]
- Flowers or candy: for shane: both <3. me: flowers <3
- Tall or short: wtf..

--------------- W H O ---------------

- Makes you laugh the most: rachet.
- Makes you smile: shane <3
- Gives you a weird feeling: lol shane and rachet... O.o

-------------- D O | Y O U | E V E R -----------------

- Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to message you?: yes even though the bastard doesnt have a computer...
- Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: actually yes i wish that alot...but than id miss my titties lol.
- Wish you were younger: no cause im older than my bf and i think its hallarious cause i always told my self id never date anyone younger than me XD lol. just think....i could be dating rachet right now....lmao jk

----------- N U M B E R --------------

- Of times I have had my heart broken: 1
- Of guys I've kissed: lol let me i think 13
- Of girls I've kissed: lets see...5
- Of CD's I own: lol like 7-8
- Of scars on my body: i think bout 157.

yes..this is my desktop back ground lol you gotta love it!

loki <3
