The Albino Mosquito

Falling- Kai

Kai walked slowly away from the hospital. He had finally stopped shaking but his mind was still caught on the ordeal

that he had undertaken for Rei's sake. In a dark garden, somewhere to his right, a dog barked before falling silent


He had no one to blame but himself of course. Even if he had realised before going up, he would have had to do it

anyway. He just felt so stupid, letting the others see his fear. He wrapped the still silence around him, letting it calm

his fears.

He stopped and listened, frowning slightly, some sixth sense warning him of something wrong. It was the silence.

There was nothing but the sound of his footsteps, not even a distant car. Kai shivered.

All of a sudden, a whistling caught his ears and he spun to the side just in time. A Beyblade disappeared into the

dark. Kai let out a soft hiss and clutched at his arm. Blood ran through his fingers. Banishing the pain quickly from

his mind, Kai reached into his pocket and brought out Dranzer. Before he could launch the blade, another came

spinning by him. This time catching him painfully in the side. Gasping, Kai pulled the rip cord.

'DRANZER!' the phoenix arose at once to it's master's aid, slowly circling defensively, having nothing to attack, for the

other blade was gone again.

Kai sank down on one knee to examine his wound. It was a deep gash and he was losing a lot of blood. The whistling

came again, From two different directions this time.

'Dranzer' Kai directed the Bit Beast to attack one of them. He couldn't see the other one. A sudden pain across his

shoulders told him, to late, where it was. He cried out, falling forward onto his hands. His sight was starting to blur

from blood loss and Kai realised that this was a battle he could not win. It wasn't even a battle. An attack more like.

Desperately trying to look up through his failing eyesight, the last thing Kai saw was Dranzer returning to his blade

and a figure reaching out to take it away. Blackness overcame him and he fell, senseless, to the ground.