The Albino Mosquito

Dismay- Rei

'Mr. Kon?' Rei opened his eyes and stared into the void. 'I'm sorry Mr. Kon. Were you asleep?' Rei sighed slightly. It

was just another nurse. The drugs they had given him had worn off but he hadn't told them that. He didn't

particularly like the feeling it gave him. As if he was going to float away at any moment and only a single thread held

him on the ground. It was too unstable.

'It's okay. I was just resting.' He said, making his voice as cheery as possible even though it hurt to do so. 'What was

it you wanted?' He listened carefully as the nurse walked around the room. His ears had been sensitive even when he

could see clearly. They were no different now.

'Oh. You got a letter from some one. Would you like me to read it for you?' Rei tried not to frown. Why would anyone

send him a letter here? Unless it was a get well card, but…

'Who is it from?' There was a pause as the nurse read the name.

'It's from a Mr. Hiwatari. Mr. V. Hiwatari…one of your friends dear?' Rei fumbled to reply. That was the last person he

thought it would be. In fact he didn't think that Voltaire Hiwatari knew who he even was.

'Err yeah…a friend. Umm you can just leave it by the bed. I'll get one of my friends to read it thanks.' Rei sighed

again. Whatever was in the letter couldn't be good. If only he could read it himself.

'Uh…Nurse?' He asked, 'Do you have the time?' There was a pause as she checked.

'It's just gone midday. Are your friends coming to see you today?' Rei smiled gratefully. He wouldn't have to wait to


'Yes. They'll be here soon. Thanks for the letter by the way.'

'It's okay. I'll be back to check on you later. Are you okay for now? You're sure you don't want any more painkillers?'

Rei quickly shook his head. 'Well then, I'll be round later.' Then she was gone. Rei listened to the silence.

Outside the window, a songbird sang and cars roared in the distance. Inside his room it all seemed distant. He didn't

even know what his room looked like. Rei sighed. For the moment, his entire world was this bed with crisp and soft

sheets and the sharp, smooth edges of his Beyblade, still clasped in his hand. It was the only thing that was still the

same in his life. Everything else had been swallowed by the void.

Rei pricked his ears. There was the sound of footsteps coming from where he believed the door to be.

'Rei?' it was Kenny. He sounded worried but he usually did so that probably wouldn't be a problem.

'Is it just you? Where's the others?' asked Rei. He had thought they might all come but he guessed that some might

have to stay behind to take care of Kai. He was in for a bit of a surprise though!

'They're out looking for Kai.'


They're looking for Kai. He's gone missing. We think he's trying to find Dranzer because the people who attacked

him took Dranzer.'

Rei's mouth had dropped in surprise.

'How did he even get up? Let alone get out of the house? I thought he was seriously injured, was there no one

keeping an eye on him?' He listened as Kenny flopped down into one of the chairs, sighing heavily.

'We only left him for a little while because he was so upset. I wasn't even there because I was working on a proper

cure for you. I still haven't gotten anything on that by the way.' He sounded downcast.

'It doesn't matter. I know you're trying your best.' Comforted Rei. 'Anyway, what about Kai?'

'Well, as I said, he was really upset when he realised that Dranzer was gone and Max and Tyson decided it was best to

leave him alone for a while. When Max decided to check on him he was gone and the window was open. I didn't think

it would be possible to even stand in his condition and yet he managed to climb out a window and disappear

completely… I hope he's okay.'

They both sat silently for a while. The only sound was of their gentle breathing and the far away background noise

from outside. Suddenly Rei remembered the letter.

'Kenny!' he said, 'I got a letter I think you should see.' Although Rei couldn't see him, he could imagine Kenny lifting

his head in sudden interest. 'It's from Voltaire Hiwatari!' Kenny gasped.

'Where is it?' Rei closed his eyes and thought for a second.

'I think the nurse put it on the bedside cabinet. Will you…will you read it for me?' Rei winced slightly. It hurt,

knowing that he might never be able to see again, that he would always have to rely on others to read his mail, to tell

him where to put his feet, everything was so much harder now.

'Okay.' Said Kenny,' Are you ready?' Rei nodded.

'To the Blade Breakers, You may know this by now, or maybe you don't. Your friend Rei was poisoned. What you may

not know is who was behind the deed. Let me clarify it for you. It was Biovolt, and under my orders. You may by now

be wondering what the point of this letter is.

To put it simply, you have some things that I want. Namely, your Beyblades and their bit beasts! I've already started

my collection with Kai's precious Dranzer! All I need is the remaining three. Now I guess you need a bit of

persuasion, I have the antidote to the poison in Rei's body. If you don't give me the Blades, I'll have every last bit of

antidote destroyed.' Kenny stopped. 'Oh no this is terrible! That evil…grrr!' Rei opened his eyes,

'Finish the letter Kenny.' Kenny complied.

'If you agree to my conditions then go to the old Perfidia pagoda on the hill at eight o'clockFridayand bring the

Beyblades. We will contact you there.

Signed, Voltaire Hiwatari.' There was a short silence as Kenny stared at the letter in his hand.

'Oh Rei. That's two days from now. This is not good.'

Rei just closed his eyes again and sighed. They already had Dranzer. Rei ran his finger over the curves of his own

blade and wondered, with a slight horror, what it would be like; not to be able to sense the comforting presence of

his own Bit-Beast Drigger. Poor Kai. Kenny stood up; Rei turned his head towards the sound and opened his eyes,

this time he welcomed the void. It drove all thoughts of losing Drigger from his mind. It also helped to diminish the

pity he knew Kai would not want.

'You have to find him, Kenny. He'll hurt himself if he isn't stopped.' Kenny nodded agreement but his sentiments

were lost on Rei's unseeing eyes. Rei continued in a frightened whisper. 'He would die if it meant Dranzer would be

saved.' Rei felt the sudden grip of Kenny's hand in his own.

'We'll find him. Don't worry about that.' Rei smiled sadly.

'You guys be careful, okay?' With a comforting squeeze, Kenny was gone and Rei was left alone in the darkness with

only his thoughts and a Beyblade for company.