The Albino Mosquito

Panic- Kai

Kai floated through a comforting darkness. There was no memory, no pain, nothing, until…something pulled at his

consciousness and, although he struggled against it, his body began to wake. Pain started returning and a slow

thought began to build in Kai's awakening mind. Needles, pain, blood, needles, Biovolt, Needles, Kai opened his

eyes, already in a state of near panic.

'NO' He gasped, struggling to sit up. There was someone holding him down trying to talk to him but he kept on

struggling, unable to take in his surroundings. A desperate shout finally got through to his fevered brain.

'STOP IT KAI!… Please.' The last was only a tired whisper but somehow he heard.

Lying back down in a tired flop, Kai closed his eyes wearily. He had been wounded somehow and was still weak. It

still hurt to move and, although he only realised it now, his cuts were aflame and his breathing had become harsh.

'Kai?' a tentative voice called his name. He opened his eyes and looked around. Taking in the room around him he

realised that he was nowhere near Biovolt or any type of needle. He was lying in a room that looked like Tyson's

dojo. Sitting beside his bed was Tyson, breathing heavily and trying to glare at Kai. Standing at the end of the bed

was Max, looking worried and slightly scared.

'What happened?' croaked Kai, realising that it was even sore to speak.

Tyson and Max glanced at each other with open worry on their faces. Max was the first to answer his question.

'You were attacked. Remember?' He glanced at Tyson for reassurance.

'Someone attacked you with a Beyblade. Are you okay?' He had good reason for this last question because Kai had

suddenly gone as white as a sheet.

'Kai?' asked Tyson cautiously. Kai somehow managed to sit up again and before Max or Tyson knew what he was

doing, Kai had swung his legs off the bed and was about to stand up.

'KAI! Stop! You'll hurt yourself!' cried Max in a panic.

'Where's Dranzer?' asked Kai. His voice was feverish and there was a dangerous glint in his eye.

'I… I don't…' Tyson began.

'TELL ME!' yelled Kai. 'Tell me Dranzer was in my pocket when they brought me in.' his voice faded to a pleading

whisper. Max and Tyson stared at him in shock. They had never seen Kai in such a state. Looking at each other they

saw the unmistakable fear reflected in their eyes. Neither of them had seen Dranzer since before Kai had been

injured. Tyson gulped in apprehension. He turned back to Kai.

'Kai…lie down. Please. We'll find Dranzer. I promise we'll find him for you.' Kai stared at Tyson in horror.

'What do you mean? Where is Dranzer? Why are you…They've taken him. They've taken Dranzer.' The simple

realisation sent shivers down his spine. Fighting back sudden unusual tears Kai lay back down on the bed, all

defiance drained from him. He turned away from his two friends and buried his head in his hands, shaking slightly in

an effort to restrain his grief.

Tyson and Max crept silently from the room. There was nothing they could do that would help him.

When he was absolutely certain that Tyson and Max were gone, Kai rolled over onto his back and stared morosely at

the ceiling. Dranzer was gone. The thought brought a lump to his throat and he had to squeeze his eyes shut to stop

another onslaught of tears. Tears were weak, and he had to be strong to find Dranzer again. He had to find Dranzer.

With this thought, Kai knew what he had to do. Once again he swung his legs off the bed and sat up slowly. Steadying

himself against the wall he pushed himself up until he was standing straight. He waited for the shaking of his limbs

to stop before limping slowly to the window. Peering out to make sure no one was there to see him, he unlocked it

and pushed it open.

Grabbing hold of the sill he pulled himself up and out the window to land heavily on an unlucky flowerbed waiting


There he sat, leaning against the wall for support, until he got his breath and some of his strength back. His wounds

made him even weaker than he had thought.

When he finally recovered, Kai stood and seeing a long branch, grabbed it to help himself walk. Then, as quick as he

could, Kai left the dojo behind and started out on a search for his Bit Beast.