And I'm not talking Queen either. I'm talking about the new short story I posted entitled "Possession." It features a man by the name of Galahad (no rhyme intended) who is pushed to the edge. How far you might ask? Well I ain't tellin'! XD
Maybe one day I'll resume my longer stories, but for now I'm having too much fun playing around with the short stuff. (Although why I went this dark route is beyond me...)
A little extra about the story: Several months (maybe a year?) back there was a contest out to make a story based off of a song. Sure enough, I got the inspiration for the story upon hearing Sara McLachlan's song of the same name. I never got around to finishing this tale in time, but after finding it again about a month ago I decided to finally finish it.
Please take a read if you're so inclined.
Have a nice day! ^_^