That darn Prologue!

Good Lord, it seems like I'll never be able to finish that thing!

Just kidding! Actually, the real reason why it's been taking me so long to finish is because I'm a perfectionist. In other words, if I'm going to do anything in this world, I'd like it to be done right and to the best of my abilities. (As that famous quote says, "Failure is not an option.") Another reason for the delay is because I stress over almost every detail I put into my writing; particularly, what words I use to convey my thoughts and, for the sake of the story, getting the "right" names for the "right" characters. Otherwise, a good portion of my other details are pretty spontaneous. ^_^

Anyway, it might be a while yet before my next post; what I'm going to be doing in the meantime, other than homework, is putting some more of the story down in my notebook and continue to edit like I always do. And who knows? Next time I update it, I might be able to finish that part of the story too! (*crosses fingers*)

Until next time everyone!
