Ahhh, life...

I went shopping with my family today, right? Well, one of the places we went to was Best Buy, which is one of the few stores that I can actually enjoy myself in. (This may sound a little weird coming from a girl, but shopping is usually one of my LEAST favorite things to do... =_=;)

Upon walking in there, the first area I decided to visit was the Nickalodean section to look at one of my all-time favorite series: Avatar: The Last Airbender. (^__^) I've been looking forward to the release of the third season boxset for quite some time now, so I wanted to see how much it would cost. If it was at a price that I could afford at that moment--which would have been less than $40--then I would have purchased it on the spot.

Well... ^^;

My initial thoughts of, "I can't wait to see this!!!" ^___^ quickly turned into, "I can totally wait to see this!!!" o___O;

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not going to cough up $89.99+tax just so the boxset can ultamitely end up back on the shelf collecting dust! That's just plum CRAZY!!

...that's all I wanted to say =_=;...
