Tides of Fate

Finally, the moment you've all been waiting for: the conclusion to the prologue!!! Yata!!! (*does a victory dance*)

I must say, I'm exceptionally pleased with how it came out--it's certainly way better than I THOUGHT it was going to be! I'll admit though, I beginning to wonder if I'm keeping true to the Disney format of story-telling or not ^^;... (You know, the format that basically says "If it makes a toddler run screaming in terror, then don't do it." ...Waaaaaaaaaaaaait, there are plenty of exceptions to that rule, aren't there? ...*le sigh* =_=;)

It'll be quite some time before you see any sign of the first chapter. To make certain I don't tweak my characters too much throughout the story, I've been in the process of jotting down their basic characteristics and how they're going to "grow"--for lack of a better phrase.

Thank you everybody for reading what I have down, and I promise to announce when I start posting the next chapter! Hasta luego!!
