Simple Question

Last night while I was watching the Mentalist with my family, the main character asked a very interesting question to some of the teenage suspects. The question was,

"If you were any animal, what would it be?"

Sure, he used it as a means of getting a glimpse into each of their personalities, but it got me thinking as to what I would prefer and how it would relate to who I am. Here's the animal I picked:

My main reason for choosing the white tiger is because I find them majestic. There are plenty of other reasons, but I'm just going to leave that for my own self-reflection.

(As a side note, if I couldn't be a white tiger, my second choice would be a platypus duck. ^_^ It's a little bit of everything, and the name is fun to say! ^__^)

What about you, the reader of this? What would you pick, if you could be any animal in the world?
