The End

I can't belive it! I'm glad that this wasn't one of those drawn out series that gets you sick of it after a while, but I can't believe that I've finally finished watching it! Oh well, at least I had some fun memoires with it.

As I was watching the final episode I couldn't help but feel a little sorry for Chiyo-chan. Especially since I know where she's comming from; when I graduated from high school some few months ago (holy cow! It WAS only a few months ago! o_o;) I felt almost as if the world were comming to some kind of hault. I know that's over-exaggerating it, but it's true. My reason for it was that, up to that point, I was so used to the same routine I had undergone for twelve years and didn't know what to expect after all of that were comming to an end. In fact, I was so worried about that a good hunk of my summer was spent brooding over that and wondering what on earth was going to happen to me from that point forward. It wasn't until I started college that I found out firsthand that you don't get eaten alive in college as much as Hollywood likes to portray. (DAMN YOU, HOLLYWOOD! WHY MUST YOU BLOW EVERYTHING OUT OF PROPORTION?!! XP)

I didn't cry myself at my own high school graduation, but I basically felt like this after I said goodbye to my friends later on that day:

Going into other matters, I'm now "in the market" for a new anime to watch. Any suddgestions?

I apologize for any and all spelling errors found in this post. Also, for anyone wondering, this will not bring an end to any and all future Azumanga Daioh e-cards. Laters!
