Homework Blues

Before I really get started: the homework in question was called the Mask project. In it, we had to visually represent our first semester in college with various symbols found on the mask and provide an explination of them on the back.

Now I'll get to the fun part.

Last night I toiled away at the Mask project for three+ hours because I decided to do it all by hand. (Mind you--my mask was made out of poster board.) When I was finally done with it I was exponentionally pleased with the results. The shape of the face, eyes, and even the way I put the various symbols down was divine!


After presenting it to the class and hearing everyone else in their presentations, we gathered together by the stairway to take a picture of the class with their masks on. We goofed off for a little while, and were later told that we had to turn in our masks.

Here's the catch: today was also the last day that this particular class was meeting. In other words, I'm not going to see this mask that I painsakingly worked on ever again unless the teacher's kind enough to hand it back! Oh, the humanity of it all!!!

(Okay, I'm done being overly dramatic. I'm still a little sad about it though...)
