Special Announcement!

You know that fan-fic I've been talking about since...ever? Well, I finally kicked myself in butt hard enough to actually work on it! (*victory pose*) So today, for your Disney fan-fic pleasure, I will have a slightly revised version of the prolouge and page one of Chapter one on the internet (I would've done more, but my laptop's keyboard is getting REALLY hot right now. Do yourself a favor: NEVER get a room that faces the West -_-; ). Enjoy! (*does another victory pose*) XD

In other random news, my sister, Aduro, got a medal in bowling today at Special Olympics (CONGRATULATIONS SIS! X3 ), and my house smells like skunk courtesy of a skunk that's--for some odd reason or another--as taken a liking to our house. Later everybody! XD (Now to light some candels...)
