Gettin' Better Every Dayyyyy

So yeah.
I kinda live now. Again. Whatever.
I've found a new-found love for paints. Acrylic paints, more than watercolor, because the acrylic paintings I make actually stick on my wall with no problem. Watercolor paper doesn't like tape. >.>

I've realized that I hate my style.
Like, HATE it.
But I'm better at like, Disney styles than my own. I guess that's a good thing, I'm not sure. It's a side dream of mine to become a Disney animator. That would be pretty epicawesome right there.

*ah hem*
I was wrong.
I used to love Crayola colored pencils like they were part of my soul. I always hated paints because they were different and I never thought I would be good at them. And then I drew a picture of Ariel for my friend, the one with all the cute adorable little seahorses. And then I realized that I love paints. I love the texture of the acrylic paints--all nice and smooth and plastic base, aghhhhh--and the way that it's so much faster to color than with colored pencils.
Typical 'don't judge a book by it's cover' sort of deal.
I love painting now. :D I'm starting to get back into art in general after I had a super long artist/writer's block/wanna fall in a hole and die time.
It makes me happy, and I've forgotten how it feels to look at something I've drawn or made and say, 'Hey, I like that. I made that from a piece of blank paper.'
It's one of the best feelings ever--I can't believe I forgot it.
Anywho, while I'm ranting, I might as well throw this out there.
I would love requests from anyone for any Disney/relatively-easy-to-draw kind of paintings. I wanna keep getting better and better at painting because I realized that it broadens my drawing style and I keep getting better and better. There's no end to improvement--it just keeps getting better and better.
And I think that's what fuels me everyday, realizing that.
Thank you. :)
