ok so i created this mule account to bitch and moan about whateverthefuckiwant without ruining the reputation of my main account. on this account i will speak my mind more openly. some of the shit that goes on around here is unbelievable
sooo on this account i'll be doing stuff like:
Busting Art Thieves. because you guys are too gullible to know a theif when you see one
critiquing. YES CRITIQUING. this is probably one of the most IMPORTANT thing this site needs. i never EVER see any helpful feedback on this site. EVER.
Voice My Opinion. i'm not going to be one of those users that follow blindly behind their "admirer" even if that person is wrong.
bitches gotta keep it real!
so yea. i'm tired now. i'll prolly update this later. peace out for now, my home skillet biscuits