I wake up, blurry eyed and frazzled about what was going on. I look around and find that I'm in a place that looks, and smells, like an infirmary. I shrug and go to touch my bracelet, and get a total shock when its not there!
"Ohmigosh! Kyon!!!!" I cry, my breathing getting harder. I see him wake up and rub his eyes.
"Yeah, whats wrong, Alain?!" He asks, hopping up and walking over. Kyoka, who was also asleep, follows in his tracks.
"Bracelet..... its not here! Its gone, its gone, its gone......" I'm freaking out, and I know I should stop. I'm on the verge of tears when Kyon hold out his hand.
"You mean this?" He opens his hand to reveal the white, beige, and black bracelet. I sigh with relief. "It was covered in blood, so I took it off to clean it."
"Thank you! thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" I though it had been lost, and that would've been the end of the world. I've barely had it off since it was given to me.
"Kyon was just looking out for you." Kyoka says, ruffling my hair.
"Yeah," I say to her, then turn to Kyon. "Thanks for cleaning it! It looks good!" I touch the white lion charm, which was covered in blood earlier.
"Hold out your wrist, Alain." Kyon says, I hold out my right hand, and he clamps it back on. I immediately take hold of the charm, relaxing at the feel of it back around my wrist.
"Oh! And the nurse gave us this to feed you." Kyoka holds out a granola bar, and I take it from her.
"Ya'll didn't have to bring me here..." I say softly as I open the package. "I would've been fine on my own." The two of them look at me dumb-struck.
"Dude," Kyon starts, "you were passed out on my floor. You would NOT have been okay." I finish the granola bar, and shrug.
"I've done it before.... it happens frequently." Kyoka shakes her head slightly.
"And where are my clothes?" I ask, noticing I'm still in Kyon's.
"We left the at the room. I mean, we rushed to get you here." I nod, and go to stand up.
"I'll go pick them up them. I should really get them in a washing machine... blood stains are really hard to get out." I say, hopping out of the bed. Kyon hand me the key to his room.
"Leave these inside once you get your clothes.... and sword." he says. Kyoka looks shocked, and we start laughing.
"You have a SWORD?!" She exclaims. Kyon and I nod, dying of laughter.
"I'll just come find ya'll after...." I say, looking at the keys. I roll them over in my hand a few times, liking the way they shine in the light. I look back at Kyon and smile.
"Where do you think you'll be in a few minutes????" I ask him, tilting my head.
"I'll probably be out in the gardens with Kyoka, or something like that....." He says.
"Okay!" I say, smiling. I brush my bangs out of my face, and walk up to Kyoka.
"I'm outta here!" I kiss her cheek, and step back. I smile slightly when I see her face slightly flushed. I glance over at Kyon, who looks a little angry. I smile at him, and that just makes him glare at me. I walk over, and have to stand on the balls of my feet to get closer to his ear. I pull his head down, so that we're more level.
"No need to get jealous, Kyon." I whisper in his ear. I tries to pull back, but I stop him. I kiss Kyon on the cheek, then let go of him. I toss the key at a very red Kyon, and laugh.
"I'll get my clothes later." I say. I turn to leave, and run straight into Chance. I Step back to see him glaring at me. I walk past him, towards the door. When I get there, I turn around to see Kyon still staring at me while holding Kyoka's hand. I wink at the two of them, and he flushes more.
"Call me Allie."
I walk out the door, loving life. Man, this school year is going to be the BEST.
I walk into the infirmary to get my nose checked out. I think he might've broken it, the idiot. I walk in at a very interesting time...... I see the culprit, Alain, with two upperclassmen. The girl is flushed, so I obviously think something happened. What shocks me more is what happens next. Alain steps away from the girl, and over to the guy from earlier, Kyon, I think. He pulls his head down, so that his mouth was next to Kyon's ear. Alain whispers something to him, and smiles. Then, he KISSES him on the cheek!!!! He kissed him! Well the dude, Kyon, goes bright red. Alain turns and walks towards the door.
He runs into me, steps back, and I glare at him. What an idiot! He just walks around me, and it takes all I have to not turn and punch him. My fists are clenched, and I close my eyes, trying to calm down. I hear Alain's voice, and then his footsteps disappear. I open my eyes, and see Kyon still bright red.
"Hey!" I shout at him. He looks at me, and his eyes narrow slightly.
"What do you want?" He says, clearly unhappy.
I start to walk over, smirking softly. he shifts his weight to one side as I approach, and huffs.
"I don't wanna deal with you right now." He says, glaring.
"I don't care." I say back, looking up at him. His one fist is clenched, the other holding his girlfriend's hand.
Now THIS going to be fun start to a sucky year. I smile, and get ready for what he says next............
Bwhahahahahaha! I just had to throw in something weird. :) I finished the at 12:30 a.m., so the ending kinda sucks. Hopefully you can continue on this!!!!
I totally used the same 4 people as last time, but If your OC wasn't in here, you can make them run into Allie somewhere, I'm cool with that!
Hope ya'll like it!!! And if I didn't get someone right, comment and I'll fix it. :)
~*~ Balletninja
"Is everything ok over there?" I asked from behind the curtain. I waited briefly before getting up and standing in front of the curtain.
"Uhhh...." Kyon responded. He was distracted about something, that being why he couldn't ...
Read the full post »
"Are you an IDIOT?!" My crazy roommate, Alain, shouts as the senior walks out of the room. "Whats your problem?!"
"I don't have a problem.... You're the one who's bringing strangers into my room!" I spit back at him. His sapphire eyes look like an sea of flames, you can see the rage burning in my eyes. I try to hide a shudder, but I don't think it works. I turn my back, and can feel his eyes burning into my skull. Seriously, this guy is scary. I don't know whats wrong with him. I wince as a hard cover book hits me in the back of the head. I turn, and see him with his hands on his hips.
"First of all, it's OUR room. I'm rooming here, too, so you better get used to it!" He huffs in patiently and brushes his hair out of his face with his right hand, and I see something flash in the sunlight. I move closer to get a better look, and I gasp when I see it. Its a woven bracelet that's extremely similar to mine. The only differences are the colors and the charm dangling off of it. Instead of a black panther, he has an animal that's white as snow.
"You can't just bring random people into the room!" I say back. I can tell this is going to be a difficult school year, especially since I'm rooming with Alain. It seems like he knows me, but I don't know how. This is the first time I've ever seen the guy.
"Who's going to stop me?!" He screams, clearly ticked off.
"I will!" I shout back.
"I don't think you could!" Alain shoves me, pushing me back towards my bed. I fall, and he walks over and grabs the front of my shirt. He puts his face close to me, and I'm seriously freaked out. His eyes are on fire, burning bright with anger. His snow white hair is falling in front of his eyes, and he casually flips it out of the way.
"Dude, I could so take you. Wanna know why? Because I'm not some short, wimpy look small fry like you are!" I tell him, smirking. I doubt this guy could do any real damage to me. He weighs what, 96 pounds? I gasp as he punches me square in the nose, and then leans his head down so that his mouth is next to my ear. Bloods running down my face, and it takes all my might not to kill him.
"Listen, I'm going to tell you this once. I will do whatever I want to, and bring whomever I want to into this room. You got that?" His breath is warm against my ear, and I nod. He releases me shirt, and takes a step back. He stalks towards the door before I can get in a question about his bracelet.
"Wait, Alain! Alain!" I call after him as he storms out the door. Once I realize hes gone, I sigh. The stupid moron had gone and left me here, all alone and bleeding.
"What a jerk..." I whisper to myself, getting up to get some tissues.
"Wait, Alain! Alain!" I storm out of the room, leaving Chance to deal with his nosebleed. I've known him for ages, but the way he acts can seriously tick me off! I glance down at my clothes, which are spotted in his blood.
"Crap!" I say to myself. "I should've grabbed a change of clothes. Now I look like I killed someone." I run out of the dorms, so I can get some fresh air and clear my head. As I walk out of the building, I run into a girl. I look up, and judging by her height, shes a senior like Kyon.
"I'm so sorry!" I say, taking a few steps back. She looks me up and down, her eyes pausing slightly at my sword. When she noticed the blood, her eyes widened.
"What happ-" She gets cut off by a shout from a few feet away.
"Kyoka! I've been looking for you!" It was a very familiar voice, and when I look over to see who it is, I gasp in shock.
"Kyon!" Me and the girl, Kyoka, both say at once. She looks at me, and I look at her back.
"How are you?" He runs over, grabs her hand, and they hug briefly. He glances down at me, then double takes at the sight of blood.
"What happened to you? Alain, I left you alone for 10 minutes, and now you're covered in BLOOD?!" He grabs my hand, and starts dragging me back towards the dorms. Kyoka follows, staying far away from me and very close to Kyon.
"That's what I was going to ask him." She said to Kyon. He nods, and we walk til we reach a room. His, i assume. I watch as he unlocks it and hold the door open for Kyoka. She walks in and he follows after her. Once hes inside, he turns around, and motions me inside. I hurry into the room, and Kyon shuts the door.
"Its a long story..." I say softly, turning my head. I feel kinda bad for punching Chance in the nose, even though he deserved it. My hair falls into my face, and I see its specked with blood, too. But blood is pretty obvious on snow white hair, ya'know? Kyon pushes me down into a chair, and he and Kyoka sit down across from me.
"Spill," He says. "It has something to do with your freaky roommate, right?" I nod, and he smirks. "Knew it! I KNEW he would be trouble... especially since he tried to kill me." Kyoka looks shocked when he says this, and he squeezes her hand.
"Well, I yelled at him for doing that, and then he told me you weren't allowed to come to the room anymore. And well, I got angry. I told him he would just have to get over it, and that i was going to do whatever I wanted to, and he aslo got mad. He told me I couldn't do anything to him, so I punched him in the nose. And that's why I look like this." I explain, motioning to my bloodstained clothes. Kyoka just looks shocked, while Kyon is rather gleeful.
"Man, you're the best!" He says happily. "He got what was coming to him." I look down at my bracelet when he says this. I touch the charm and sigh, my face flushing. He tilts his head, and I let my hair fall back over my eyes.
"Anyways, "Kyoka says, "You have to get out of those clothes, or its going to stain." I nod, and look at Kyon. HE goes over to his drawer, pulls out a shirt and a pair of pants, and hands them to me. My blood-stained charm jingles as i reach out to receive them.
"Put these on. You can wash your hair later." He tells me. He looks at Kyoka, and they walk into another room. I pull of my jeans first, and put on Kyon's. They're way to big, and I'm tripping over them. I'm in the middle of taking off my shirt when Kyon walks in. He spots the gashes running across my stomach, and gasps.
"What happened?!" He says, pulling my shirt away from me.
"Nothing!" I say quickly, grabbing his button down. I start to pull it on, but he grabs my hand. Then, he runs the other one over the scars. I wince slightly, knowing that they still haven't healed completely. They never will. I slap away his hand, and he looks taken aback.
"I don't need your help changing, thanks Kyon." I say, buttoning up the rest of the shirt. I'm starting to get dizzy, but it's probably because I haven't eaten anything lately. I reach out and grab his shoulders to keep myself steady, the world spinning around me.
"Everything okay?" I hear Kyoka say from somewhere.
"Uhh......" Kyon answers, glancing down at me. I tighten my grip, starting to lose consciousness.
I see that oh-so-familiar scene from years ago, and watch as my best friend falls further and further away from me.
"ch-Chance...." I stutter as the world starts to blacken. I hear the concerned voices of Kyon and Kyoka as I crumple to the floor, and completely pass out.
Come on, people! Lets get posting!!!! :D I hope this was okay, I only used for characters in this post.
People used
*Kyon and Kyoka
*Chance and Alain
If I got anything wrong, just tell me!!!
~*~ Balletninja and the gang
"Kyon!" Alain shouts at me as the crazy roommate threw his knife at me. I wasn't too worried. I mean, I was a time traveler, and I could teleport. It helped that I was a senior as well. I teleported out of the knife's path. The knife hits the wall and stays there. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?!" Alain asked me.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I reply. I better get out of here before that kid starts something, so I start to walk towards the door. I reach the door and look back at them. Their bracelets intrigued me, but I didn't say anything. Shrugging, I continued out of the room and headed back down to the front of the building, hoping to find Kyoka
I hadn't seen Kyoka in awhile, and I wasn't worried about her, but I was more than ready to just go curl up in front of a fire with her. My mind drifted to the new freshmen. This year was definitely going to be interesting to say the least.
Miyo sat on the bed, "You aren't going to turn me in for having Kuna?" she asked me worriedly.
I shook my head, my hair falling over my shoulder in chunks. "It'll be our little secret, but Kuna has to be careful not to get caught."
Kuna stretched, as if saying ya-ya-whatever.
Miyo looked relieved. "Thank you, Kyoka-senpei!"
I smiled at her, "Your welcome. And if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to come to me. I hope we can be good friends!"
Let's get this world a moving!
I got out of the taxi, walked around to the trunk, and opened it. Then, I got out my bags. i glance over and see that Chance, my childhood friend, was doing the same. Once he gets his stuff, i close the door and wave at the driver. we watch as the taxi drives away.
"So, I'm Chance." He says, looking at me. "Who are you?" I sigh...... He knows me, but doesn't remember. I've known him since we were babies, but due to an accident he doesn't remember. No, he could remember everything else, just not me.
"I'm Alain," I say, stretching out my hand to him. "Nice to meet you." Chance looks at my hand, then starts to walk away.
"Gosh, you're as rude as ever. Thought you would've gotten some manners." I mumble to myself. Thankfully he didn't hear me, 'cause I don't want him to think I'm a lunatic when he "just met me". We continue to walk, and I look down at the ground. But, the next time i look up, Chance is gone.
"Ugh! I can't believe him!" I say to myself. "Where do I go?! Where the HECK are the dorms!"
I look around, trying to find him in the sea of students just milling around. When I don't see him, I sigh.
"This SUCKS!! WHERE AM I SUPPOSED TO GO!!! BEING A TRANSFER STUDENT SUCKS!!!!" i shout, to no one in particular. a few passing students look at me, and I glare at them in return.I feel a tap on my shoulder, and I turn, dropping my stuff and pulling out my sword. I see it's another student, but I don't let my guard down.
"What do you want?!" I say, not lowering my sword. He puts her hands up, and I glare at him.
"Woah, cool it, new guy! Cool it!" He motions to my sword. "You don't need to have that out. I won't hurt you. I promise." I huff, and put the sword away. He winces a little at the sound of it against it's sheath. I smile satisfactorily, looking up at him.
"I'm Alain, what's you name?" He still looks a little wary, and I laugh. I tend to have that affect on people.
"Kyon, it's nice to meet you!" Kyon extends his hand, and I shake it.
"Yeah.... Hey, do you know where the dorms are?" I ask. "I really need to unpack and such."
"And put up the darn sword." He mumbles, thinking I can't hear him. Surprisingly, I have REALLY good hearing.
"Yeah, follow me." He starts to walk off, and I grab my stuff and follow.
"Thanks." I huff, jogging after him.
"No prob. But anyways, do you always have that sword? It's not everyday a freshman turns a sword on me....." Kyon says. I laugh.
"Yeah, usually. So you're a senior?"
"Yup.... " I see him roll his eyes at a girl near by, and she looks at me. Well, not really looks, but glares. I stop and shudder, then catch up with Kyon.
This is going to be an..... interesting school year, and I can't wait for it to begin.
I touch my bracelet as we approach the dorms.
I ditch the squirt, Alain, and start walking. I'm surrounded by lots of people, some look younger, and some look WAY older. I don't even wanna know how many people are in this school!
I wander around some, and finally find the dorms.
"Thank goodness." I say to myself. "I thought I was going to DIE out there! I walk over ot the desk where a random person is sitting.
"Hey," I say to them, "my name is Chance, what room am i in?" They look at a list, and then back up.
"Room 304... and don't be surprised, you're going to have a roommate." I nod, and head up the stairs, key and bags in tow. Once I find my room, I open the door and go in. Both beds are still blank, so I take the one on the left. I'm starting to unpack my bags when I hear footsteps outside my door. After a minute, I hear a guy's voice.
"This is your room, okay?" It says to the person with it.
"Yeah... room 304." Crap! i know that voice, don't tell me I'm rooming with him!!! I pull out a knife and stare at the door in horror as it unlocks and to people enter.
"Great," Me and Alain say in unison. "we're rooming together." The older guy, I assume hes a senior, looks from me to him and then back at me. Its not that I don't LIKE Alain, I just find him interesting..... and slightly creepy.
"Okay," The guy says. He moves further into the room, towards me. I point the knife at him, and he looks taken aback.
"I'm Kyon, and that's Alain... but it seems like ya'll already know each other!" he hasn't moved any closer, and I think I know why. I mean, I bet he doesn't get knives pointed at him all the time.
"Don't come closer!" I say, motioning the knife towards him. "stay where you are." Kyon looks at me strangely, but hey, I'm just being cautious.
"Hey, Alain. Have you searched him?" I ask Alain, who's still in the doorway.
"Yeah, I had him at sword point earlier." Alain walks over to me, and we both look at Kyon. "but Seriously, Kyon's perfectly nice. Don't hurt him!" I glance down at my bracelet. I move my wrist back a little, and Alain raises his right hand.
"don't!" He shouts at me. Kyon glances at our wrists, and tilts his head slightly. I flick the knife at him, who looks shocked.
"Kyon!" Alain shouts. Within an instant, Kyon is standing beside him. the knife hits the wall and stays there. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?!"
"yeah, I'm fine." Kyon starts to walk towards the door. When he reaches the doorway, he turns back to look at us. first, he looks at both of our wrists, then back at us. he shrugs and leaves, mumbling as he goes.
"Not everyday I get knives thrown at me either..... that's a dangerous room!" He says. I look at Alain, who's glaring at me.
"What?" I ask innocently....
"You're a moron, ya'know that?! You just don't chuck knives at people when they didn't do anything!" I roll my eyes.
This guys a lunatic, and I just happen to be lucky enough to end up rooming with him. Its going to be a long year.
I sigh and start to unpack the rest of my stuff.
Yay! My first post!!!!! This is going to be so cool! But yeah, that was really long and I bet none of ya'll really paid that much attention to it. :D
I just like swords/knives, so don't freak. They'll come into my posts often.... hehehe swords are shiny. :)
I hope I got Kyon right, XxXWinnXGirlXxX!!!! If I didn't, I'll go back and change it!
I hope someone can continue off of this, it'd be great! I want Alain's bracelet.......
Thanks for letting me join! 
~*~ Balletninja!