We drove up to the academy, and I smiled. “Maybe I’ll find other like me here,” not that there were that many of us to start off with in the first place.
“I doubt it,” my older sister Kaya, who was driving, sneered. “Most half-breeds would be too embarrassed to even show up. As they should be,” she laughed like she was telling a joke. I had always hated my sister. Not only was she a full vampire, she treated me like I was more worthless then the bug she had killed this morning. I was lucky she had refused to attend the academy.
When she stopped the car, I quickly grabbed my bags and jumped out. I slammed the door before she could say anything. I saw her mutter something to herself, before quickly driving off. I sighed with relief as I watched her drive out of the academy grounds. I stretched and then picked up my bags, time to find my room. I walked into the office, and heard people whisper to each other as they saw the gold symbol under my left eye. I heard them say stuff like ‘half-breed’ and ‘doesn’t belong here.’
What I could never get, was why only half blood vampires were treated like this. All the other half blood species were treated normally. I pretended that I hadn’t heard them, and walked up to the receptionist. “Hello, I’m Miyo,” I told her.
She looked up and then looked at her notes. “Welcome. You’ll be in room 24 on the third floor,” she smiled and handed me a schedule. I could tell she was faking it, I was pretty good at telling the difference between real and fake smiles.
“Thank you,” I plastered a false smile on my face and walked off. She nodded and I could tell she was glad to be rid of me. I walked outside and leaned on the wall. I was sick of it, I couldn’t take it anymore. All I wanted was at least one person to look at me without thinking I was some kind of disgusting creature.
“Hi!” I heard someone say, and I looked up to see they were smiling at me.
Yay, first post! I hope this was ok! Who wants to be the one who said hi?
name: Miyo
nickname: Mi-chan (only very very very close friends are allowed to call her that.)
age: 14
grade: freshman
gender: female
species: Half-blood Vampire
any powers?: Is able to control water
hair color: Black
hair style/length: Short, shaggy
eye color: Gold
anything else appearance wise?: She's not short, but she'd not the tallest person. Her skin is pale, and she has a weird, gold tattoo/symbol under her left eye.
personality: Her personality switches depending on the person she'd talking to and what they're saying. Normaly she's happy and friendly, though she can be slightly annoying
anything else?: Is starting to sink into depression, she's sick of everyone seeing her and turning their noses up at hear, calling her a filthy half-breed and other things. All she wants is one good friend.
I looked up at the school as we drove in. The cab driver looked expectantly at me. Sighing, I pulled a wad of bills out of my bag. He took them, and I grabbed my stuff from the trunk. The moment I closed the door, the guy was zooming off.
Guess he wasn't use to monsters.
I walked into the reception desk. A lady sat behind the counter, and looked up as I entered.
"Hi, I'm Zoey." I said. She flipped through a book.
"Oi, your room 66," she said, holding out a key. "Six floors up in the girls dorm. Top floor, basically." I excepted the key, and turned to walk out. As I did, another girl walked in. She had a little dragon sitting on her shoulder. I heard her check in as Hanatsuki.
Stepping outside, I nearly peed myself. There stood a huge, black and pink dragon.
"Holy s***!" I gasped. Okay, I had seen strange, beautiful, and unusual things. But I was not use to walking out and having a dragon in my face! Walking carefully around it, I continued on my way to the dorm room, lugging my bags behind me.
On my way, I saw some girls collapsed on the ground. I considered offering help, but the enormous wait of my bags weighed down on my shoulders. I started to try to walk around...
I told Zakura to alight down in front of the office building. She carefully lowered herself, and let me and Feather slip off. The little dragon rested on my shoulders as I walked in. Another, normal looking girl was just leaving the desk. The behind the desk looked at me expectantly.
"Hanatsuki." I said. She eyed the dragon carefully, then began to flip through her book.
"Floor 6, room 65." she said, handing me a key. "Watch your dragon, please!" she said. I looked over at Feather, who looked displeased at her.
"Could you tell me where I can keep my dragon?" I asked. She gave a smirk.
"I'm sure we could set you up with a box."
"I mean my other dragon," I sighed. She looked out the window, and her eyes widened.
"I... I don't think we have a space for such a large creature. Could she maybe stay in the surrounding forest?" she asked. I didn't like the idea, but I couldn't help it if there wasn't a dragon shed waiting for me.
"Sure. It will work." I said. She nodded, and watched as I walked away.
Outside, I told Zakura her accomidations, and although she didn't like the idea more than I disliked it, she grudgingly left. Hey, it's not like she could sleep on the roof! Not unless we wanted to fell the building.
Feather carried a lighter bag in his mouth while I walked with some other bags. I hoped this would be a good school year, but I couldn't expect much. Besides, the only reason I'm going here is because the Dragon Tamer's Academy was full, and I really couldn't learn much there. Oh well. I almost walked on top of an awkward scene. The girl from earlier was there as well, just walking around though. I would move to, but the other girl wasn't moving very quickly, and was blocking the only escape route. Oh jeez...
~Zoey and Hana
Hope that's okay! 
I looked up at the main building of the school, squinting through the bright sunlight. This is where I'm being exiled to. Don't get me wrong. Kuro Bara Academy is a pretty nice boarding school. I just despise the circumstances I'm being sent here under. I groaned inwardly. Great.
"It looks nice, Ojou-sama, just like the year before" My escorter smiled, but I knew she was slighty relieved that I had to stay here for another year. My mother had two perfect children and then me, the middle child, the juvenille delinquent. And I felt like this was my last chance in order to not get disowned.
I walked down to the office to see the receptionist. "Pleaure to have you back Kira," she said eyeing me in disgust, "You will be in room 13 on the second floor just like last year." She handed me a piece of paper saying, "Here is your schedule and other information, school starts tommorow. Then she presses a button on the intercom. 'Headmaster, Oshiro Kira is here," she says. I couldn't hear the response.
"Yes sir," she replied. I grabbed my suitcase and climbed the stairs towards my dorm room.
It was down a hallway and of to the right, between two gallant lamps that gave the hall a warm glow I found comforting.
The room was a nice size, neither too big nor too small, still cozy. There were two beds on opposite ends of the room with fluffy pillows and comfy overthrows. The main colors were clear, blues, and whites. The room had the scent of pine throughout it. It was comforting.
"Ahh," I sighed, taking a deep breath, "kind of like... home."
I set my bags at the foot of one of the beds and claimed it, It was right next to some double doors that lead to a wide balcony overlooking a large lake, which was surrounded by a small forest. It was surprisingly peaceful, compared to the bustling crowd I had just came out of a few minutes ago.
A light flickered and I blew on my cigarette. I walked down the long wood paneled hallway, seeing a very bubbly girl. She reminded me of a doll I saw once and I wonder if she will also shatter if she fell. The girl seemed to be with a guy also. But, before I knew it, I was tackle hugged to the floor, becoming more dizzier by what was happening to me.
"Hello~ My name is Haine Sakuraki! Nice to meet you~."
name: Maora Sakuraki
nickname: Mao-chan (only for his sister and Natsumi) Mao( for everyone else)
age: 16
grade: junior
gender: male
species: Wizard
any powers?: can make anything fly (like a broom or something), can control fire
hair color: light brown
hair style/length: short, too his chin
eye color: brown
anything else appearance wise?: kind of girly when he wants to be, but otherwise very hot
personality: the opposite of his sister, calm, can be frazzled around Natsumi
anything else?: Haine’s older twin brother, likes Natsumi very much.