"Is everything ok over there?" I asked from behind the curtain. I waited briefly before getting up and standing in front of the curtain.
"Uhhh...." Kyon responded. He was distracted about something, that being why he couldn't answer me at the moment.
I heard a noise, like someone falling. Whipping the curtain back, I found Alain lying unconscious on the floor. I rushed to his side, "Kyon, what happened?" I asked him, worry clear in my voice.
"I'm not really sure," he answered, reaching down to pick him up. "But, let's get him to the nurse."
I nodded and helped support Alain's other side after I shifted into a Kyon look-a-like. "You have to look like me?" he asked with a smirk.
I shrugged, "It was either you or that burley football player. I figured this way I'd bring less attention to ourselves." I smiled, knowing I was mirroring Kyon's facial expressions at the moment.
"Right, because two of me isn't noticeable at all," he teased.
I stuck my tongue out at him as we continued on down the hall and layed Alain on the infirmary bed. Shifting back to normal, I said, "I'll go get the nurse. I think she was helping a few first years that had some problems." Kyon nodded and let me go.
I brought the nurse back within a few minutes. After checking him over and cleaning up the blood, she decided that it was food related. "He's probably just tired and worked up, and his body doesn't have the food it needs to keep him nourished." So, she gave us some food to feed him when he woke up and continued on her merry way.
We hadn't finished buttoning Alain's shirt all the way, so the scars on his body were visible. I wanted to touch one, by Kyon grabbed my hand, shaking his head no. I nodded and buttoned up the shirt. No need flaunting them. The poor guy had obviously been through enough.
Sitting against the wall, Kyon and I ended up dozing on each other until Alain awoke.