Welcome to the liberation. This world is celebrate and discuss world conquest, fan fiction, pictures, etc... of Code Geass Lelouch of the rebillion and Code Geass R2. Other similar manga/anime such as Death Note are acceptable as well or any with some type of liberating effort.
Well have fun liberating the world.
Any suggestions, Just PM me.
Will try to start regular updates bare with me if i am unable.
Hope you enjoy this world.
note: all images borrowed unless otherwise stated.
Im at a complete lost of words. Finals are coming up in 2 weeks, what a waste.
So far done with one class.
studying for an exam with girls in trouble some lol, were done then random topics come up like baby showers x.x"
The Claw Man
The Claw Man, is an insane old man who happens to be a mastermind with a prosthetic claw for a right hand. (Side note why are ALL masterminds a little mad!?) He seems to be a kind a gentle man but he assassinates individuals with the potential knowledge and abilities to stop him. This included Helena and Shino, Van and Ray's wives. He preaches world piece ethics persuading people by goodwill, for the ultimate good he captivated people like Michael Garret, Fasalina, Gadved, Carossa and Meryssa, Woo and a few more indirect sources.
What drove him mad was that the Claw Man ounce managed to escape the Mother Planet 'Earth' along with a collection of other people assumable comrades. It is said they loved each other at first, but then they began killing each other leaving only the Claw Man left. This is what inspired him to "make the world a peaceful place with my own hands".
He plans to create a new world which will bring happiness(Paradise) to all people and eradicate all sins one has committed during life, regardless of whether the people want it or not. His plan apparently is to change the world by dissolving himself and then combining with everyone and everything on the planet on a subconscious level and become a beacon of light.
It is revealed the Moon is to controlled by Birthday(Super Armor), could be used as a terraformer. The Claw Man hints that he intends to terraform the Endless Illusion(The World) into the perfect world(Paradise) he dreams of. It is implied that the entire population of the planet will be killed during the process and will be reborn in the new world. The plan was also violently opposed by some of his crew members, claiming he was planning on committing genocide. During the negotiations, the Claw using pacifism and goodwill to swell the violence, from the genocide scare. Once the matter was solved with a presumable accidental death from a hug to a man who was of the rebellion from the Claw man who seemed to show sorrow the plan continued. All of his actions have caused death and misery to innocents, even of his own comrades. He always rationalizes his acts as being ultimately for the good of mankind.
special thxs for www.animeshinobi.com cause the portrait was rare to find!
Naraku is responsible for most of the characters' misfortunes. Throughout the series, Naraku creates many subordinate beings from his own body to aid his goal of killing his opponents and reuniting the shards of the Shikon Jewel, whose corrupted form he hopes to use to gain ultimate power. Other times he raises dead people to his cause through the Shikon Jewel, the key of his deception. He has even controlled humans such as the band of 7. Even tho most of his creation eventually turn against him, Narku always takes their lives; Kagura, the infant and Moryomaru.
The Infant
free or killed:
Balalaika aka, scarface, don't call her that if you value your life.
The boss of Hotel Moscow. People respect her, Balalaika's leadership during the hellish fighting in Afghanistan, her men look up to her as their superior and will do just about anything upon her orders. As a combat officer, she is a skilled strategist and well-rounded fighter, capable of taking care of herself. Although she has shown herself to be rather cynical on occasion, she is also a pragmatic and professional businesswoman. Just about able to employ any one at will and pull just about any string. easily avoids police and always walks with a smooth walk and never really loses her cool. She is one of the Dames you don't want to mess with, your vey best friend might be hired to kill you.
Yuji Kaido, Marlean Angel from Blue gender
Princess Mononoke
Mao Ran from Fighting beauty Wulong
Ghost in the Shell team
These were other possible liberators considered btu di not pass judgment, so they are honorary mentionable.