ELN PRESENTS: Digital Manga Announces Manga Guild Platform for 2011 Launch

Emperor Lelouch News

Cast 1
Brought to you from animenews.biz / Humberto Saabedra

Manga publisher DMP, an online open platform, has announced the forthcoming launch of their new “Digital Manga Guild” digital manga distribution platform that will give interested and qualified people opportunities to translate and typeset untranslated manga into multiple languages and be paid for their work.

The program is accepting group and individual applications to help build an online community of manga localizers for a planned 2011 launch and is looking for people that can translate into multiple languages aside from the typical Japanese-English. The un-dramatic, start Digital Manga has made agreements with only six major Japanese publishers to provide content to our online platform that is planned for a 2011. The purpose is so a improve supply of manga gets outs faster, to feed everyone’s manga craving! Here is the breakeven catch; no party will get paid until a sales transaction is made. That means Digital Manga, Inc., the Japanese publishers, and the localizers.

This announcement was given to select people in their email list.
We all now there is a need of a more efficient translation system that is why translators were born and come and go. Localization is not an easy process and it worse with stunted speed on the business level. Will this be much of an impact I believe not.

The Fight continues…

All Hail Emperior Lelouch.
