So everything was fine a few hours ago (besides a lack of sleep and slight pain in my ear)....but now something craptastic happened and its all my fault...T_T I swear I just cant win.
So a while back I paid one of our bills online and set it for the correct date. No problem right? the 24th. That's still a few days away. Well they decided they wanted it early and took it out TODAY and now we have a $50.70 overdraw....its early. They've NEVER taken it out early before and now my husband and my mother in laws upset with me because I paid the bill that gave us an overdraw.
To top it off, I managed to fall asleep earlier and had the most depressing dream ever. I believe I've mentioned the whole ordeal I've had with my off line friends at least once or twice. My two best friends from NC just up and decided to stop talking to me and ignore me when I text or write them on facebook. Normally I wouldn't be to bothered because I know they are busy with life. That can slide. I totally understand. But I finally hear from one of them and its a snarky comment like "You haven't contacted me in forever. I've wrote you tons of times." or "oh sorry I never got your texts....heres our last facebook message." and they accidentally left a time stamp in there from a message I sent them but deleted the message -_-
Anyway the dream was about them coming over and hanging out but acting stand offish. When I confront them about it they say "of well you're a bitch, we hate you, and heres why..." then they go off on this long list of crap, walk out my front door, yell "f*** you!" out their car windows and drive away after purposely trying to hit my cat Goku....I wake up thinking "well damn that's depressing..." then my husband calls about the bill yeah....todays not off to a good start.
Which yaay...update it looks like this whole bill thing is my fault. I looked through the email they sent me as a conformation and I got the friggin date wrong. Yay. Me. I'm gonna put the dogs in and go clean the house to clear my head...maybe blast some music while doing so.