I tried being cheerful all day. I tried to look past everything craptastic that's happened today but after I got stabbed in the finger with a wooden skewer stick....I was fed up. Its not bad but it did leave a bloody little hole. The main source of my annoyance today is...surprise surprise the dog -__-. Not only was she used as an alarm clock to wake me up this morning by my mother in law, but shes been loud, destructive, and just flat out annoying today. I've had very little sleep, I'm freezing but can't use my blanket because this morning the dog chewed on it while I went to the bathroom and now its all sticky and wet, and to ice the awesome cake of poo that is today I haven't got to spend any time with my husband today...my head is pounding and I can't concentrate on anything other than how annoyed I am. Not even my sparkling apple Izze is making me feel better. I'm having a hard time with my new story as well. I cant concentrate on it enough to write the second chapter and I still haven't came up with a title yet....Uggh! I should have just stayed in bed today....I even tried watching an old favorite Shuffle! that I've never finished and I can't even do that today. I hope tomorrow is better or I just might loose my Zeus damn mind! Oh! wait I forgot something else that happened. The dog being the little rip she is ate my favorite tropical flower hair tie tat I got from vacation last summer! No more pretty things for me -_- today sucks. It's sucked all day. God I can't wait for this new house to happen. I need my own space to relax and let loose some of this pent up energy...yup...that's it for now. I can't say I feel much better. I still feel pretty crappy and wound up but at least I ranted a little bit I guess...I'd kill for a shot of sake right now. Or maybe whiskey.
Sorry but this has to happen....