So just a note

Just lettin' everyone who may come across my ...'world' thing, that I prolly won't upday anything here (in the world) very often, if not at all. I will be updating on MyOtaku,, and on my Deviantart page, So please check those out if you want updates 8D

ok...New world

Btw, this is my first 'world' and I have no idea what i'm doing, so this may be in the wrong place or something

Well...I'm bored, and procrastinating on my homework, so I thought i'd come visit Otaku. I've been around otaku since 01/22/05, and I'm not to fond of the new layout. Some of you might remember the 'Otaku Wolves', or the mass of artists who all had wolf fursonas. Yea, i was one of them. You can veiw my DA at if your interested in my more recent art.
