It's been 9 years since I last posted anything on this site. How have everyone been. I hope everything is okay here. I really have nothing new to say or share. At some point I was even considering deleting my account here, and PIXIV. Although, the drawings I've posted here I've also posted on my deviantArt, I don't feel like deleting account.
Recently, I have been deleting accounts I no longer use. It's like a cleansing. I've only kept 4 accounts since I still regularly post there (updated links on top).
I was thinking, since I want to keep this, maybe I'll post my old anime and videogame blogs here. There's a lot of them and I don't want to post them on FC2 Blogs cause my writing style (although I don't think I have a style) is different now and honestly, it's kind of cringey. I just want to dump them somewhere to have a record of them online.
Now I ask you TheOtaku users and subscribers, do you mind if I do so?
I know I haven't been posting but honestly, I miss posting here, interacting with other users and joining contests.
To close this blog, I wish everyone good health especially during this pandemic. Stay Safe.
WHOA~! It's been a while... *looks back to last post* 6 MONTHS?!?!? OH MY~ I have neglected this world that much? gomen ne~!!
It's not that I'm never online it's just that I'm at deviantArt more and there's a all year challenge I participated in. It's called 52 WEEK PROJECT where you draw, write or create something every week and post it there. It's been interesting and challenging so far and I've met a lot of good artist (that I'm really jealous of). I'd post everything here but it's week 27 already (or is it 28?) and that's a lot. Most of the posts in that group are traditional and digital drawings, there are photographs as well and every now and then there are crafts or artisans.
I'll try to be more active here, especially now that I found out that there are challenges here. And I like challenges lately, I dunno, maybe because it pushes me to create something else than whatever is always in my head. LOL
That's it~!! PEACE and LOVE, minna-san!!