Original Work Re-use/Re-posting Policy

The following policy applies to any and all of my original characters posted to this and any other site I am on, please read thoroughly before reposting my work in any form. -


My Original Characters, Line art or otherwise, are:

- Available for: With REQUESTED permission, coloring/recoloring/tracing and any combination of these three mentioned actions, for practice, personal enjoyment or curiosity. - If asked, I am not stingy, I'll more than likely give the okay, just say the word.

- NOT Available for: Portrail (recolored, altered or not) in Manga, fan Manga, Wallpapers, cards, or any other usage other than that specifically stated above. this applies to usage on any sites, and anywhere NOT JUST THEOTAKU - I do not want to see my design(s), recolored or otherwise, on a wallpaper, in a manga, etc. that I did not create or specifically authorize anywhere, period, I don't care how "good" you make it look, or how long you spend making it, that is not an excuse, it's the principle of the thing.

When reposting AFTER asking please do NOT -

- Re-post BEFORE I give my permission and respond to your request. I don't care how impatient you are, wait for an answer.

When reposting AFTER asking please DO -

- remember to credit me for the original design, doesn't have to be long, just something simple like "Original design by KuboRocks", or "KuboRocks drew/created this character, and I colored it"

If any part of this policy is violated, I Will -

- Step 1 - Request that the repost in question has it's description altered to give proper credit

- Step 2 - I will give the member in question 1 month (four weeks from the day of the first alteration request) to make above mentioned changes, and I will ask a maximum of three times within that period to assure that the requests are heard. - I understand that some people are less active here than others, or get a lot of messages and could lose mine, hence I will give some time for response.

- Step 3 - after the above mentioned alteration period, I WILL consult the proper authorities of this site to have the repost removed completely - I'm stop being nice after the third try, go past the third strike, and I Will raise Hell until it comes down.

Kay, so that's it, thanks for reading and being honest and considerate of the work of others, so long as you have read and understand this, request away!

- last modified Feb 27th, 2009
