Requests Policy

the following is my universal requet policy and goes for any the sites I am a member of, please read thoroughly before making a request or request inquiry -

Please Note:

Your request may not come at light-speed - though I will give 110% on requests and try my best to get them done, please keep in mind that I may get busy with more pressing things, or that my skills may be in a rut at the moment, causeing me to take longer to get the request done in proper condition. I don't rush - if you need it fast, I suggest finding another artist.

Content: What I Do NOT Do

- Yaoi or Yuri (Homosexual/bisexual artwork)
- Incest (romantic or sexual situations between relatives)
- Explicit Sexual Material (a.k.a. "Hentai") - due to the wide interpretation of this bracket, I will use personal judgement on wether the requested content is appropriate or not.
- ANY remotely romantic or sexual situtation between and adult and a minor (character under 18)
- Any Remotely Sexual situation or otherwise erotic or provocative material involveing a minor (Character under 18) - I don't care if they're cartoons, they have a term for this content - it's called Child Pornography, and it's WRONG.
- Any content glorifying the occult or demons/devils - example: portraying them as the "good guys", etc. - I'm sorry, but this is against my personal beliefs, please find another artist if your character is a "demon", "half-demon", or has pentagrams etc. stuck all over him/her.
- Hate art - any artwork or situation or image of a malicious nature towards any particular individual, race, religion, orientation, or "label" (goth, emo, bro, etc.) - don't get me involved in your personal rage, I have my views and opinions, but I don't hate.
- Excessive Blood/gore - true, violence, bloodshed, and death are realistic, and even natural aspects of life, but we don't need to glorify it, and while in some ways there may be a time for the "shock-factor" there are some places where it is simply not appropriate, theOtaku, I feel, is one of them.
- Use of Drugs/Tabacco or glorifying portrail of drunkeness or other intoxication - These conditions are NOT funny, and should not be portrayed as such
- Excessive profanity, explicit language, or rude gestures. - this content is unnecessary, enough said.

I WILL NOT TOLERATE ANY ABUSE, VERBAL OR OTHERWISE. We all have the ability to be polite and constructively critique - this means I will not tolerate language or communication such as, but not limited to "You suck", "this *particular artistic element* sucks", "You're a Jerk, idiot, Etc." and the like - I am a Human being, and I do not have to, nor will I stand for it.

All requests are one shots, sorry, no do-overs - as I said, I give my all, and that's all I can give at any given time, so if you are dissatisfied with your request once it's finished, I suggest you go to another artist.

- Thank you for reading this, basically, keep it reasonably clean, and depening on availability I will try to work with you.

Last updated Feb. 28, 2009
