Dead and Unfair...

Dude...I just noticed something...this site seems pretty dead for the last month or so, I also noticed that they're "fanart" section is kind of unfair.

click on it, and it shows you automatically, a category of submissions from the past 24 hours - however, it is the category the show that I think is unfair.
They you pictures not in order of submission so EVERYONE, no matter their ability or choice of character or whatnot, has a chance at some decent exposure, but only the most "Active" in other words, the most "popular". I wouldn't have a problem if it was from really good artists, and yes a lot of them are, that's good, perhaps they're actually popular for the right reasons, not simply because they're from a popular series.
but I noticed when I did sort them to freshness, there's a whole ton of submissions that don't show up, and therefore never get any exposure hardly at all. My own latest submissions were among these, so because they aren't popular or I myself am not popular, I don't get feedback, the same story for a lot of people in that sorting. it pisses me off. yes, they have the little drop box that you can click to sort to freshness and see them, but my experience is that people skim pages, and generally, I really am not confident that most will BOTHER to do this, and still worse, is that those drop boxes aren't very obvious I think, they're pretty easy to pass up.

also, on the front page, when they show fanart, once again, only the most popular shows up, this is too much, and I don't know about you, but I think there need to be some changes.
My suggestion would be that, fine, the most popular can stay on the front page, I understand that a lot of those are really, truly good pieces of art, and therefore, make a good first impression to visitors and prospective members - BUT, I think that the default should be reversed on the Fanart main page, I think that initially, you should automatically be shown the submissions in the order of submission. then if you want to see most popular, let them then go to the drop boxes and resort them to "most active". I think this would give a more fair balance of activity and less people would get passed up.
