Just opening it all up with some rules

Hello Everyone. I am Captain of Third Squad Shito Tensaigo. If you would like to be a part of this world just feel free. I do want to lay down some ground rules: All characters must be original in personality and style, you must let everyone know if you are a hollow, Visard, Quincy or Soul Reaper. If you have a zanpaktou, it must be original and no "Mine negates all anything anyone throughs at it because that is no fun. and Finally I must approve all Captains.....though I am looking for a Squad One captain. Have fun and welcome

To start let me tell you about my character. As I said I am Shito Tensaigo Captain of Third Squad.
Zanpaktou: Kuro Kamika (Black Fire)
Shikai: Burn- transforms into a scythe like weapon with a straight double edged blade instead of the single edge.
Attacks: Kuro Kibashi (Black Fang Death)-black fire emits from my zanpaktou in a high powered slice.
Chu u jitsu hi (Royal Flames)- zanpaktou dissolves into black fire that engulfs opponent.
Bankai: Ryuu Kuro Kamika (Dragon of the Black Fire)- few have seen it and have not spoken about it. I prefer its secret be kept until a later time.
