Hello Everyone, Kita here and commentary *looks at Tsukiro*
I am not too sure how many of you are up to speed with the Bleach RP right now. But the current RP has been halted, left as a cliffhanger, and we are moving forward. Aizen has a new plan *rolls eyes* imagine that. I swear the guy that RP’s Aizen, IS Aizen half the time.
“No, he’s Aizen reincarnate!” --Tsukiro
*looks at Tsuki* Shhhh! He will hear you… Anyway...
I know of his plan *please don’t ask I wont tell* BUT I can tell you this much. It is going to put the Soul Society into to some MAJOR play time.
“*In the background* That’s okay, I’ll go get my bug repellant. *leaves to go get some OFF!*” --Again, Tsukiro
Also, while it puts the Soul Society into play the Gods will be back to play with us ALL. The only sad part here is Kita and Toshiro will not be joining us in this RP. They will be on the sidelines watching this play out. We will ‘in time’ go back to the RP where Toshiro, Kita and Tsukiro are.
You all will be filled in on what is going on and it is up to you to play out your part. I hope you’re all up to this. Because your not going to have the help of Toshiro to outsmart Aizen. You have seen him (Aizen) in play in this RP and you know he is ruthless and will not hesitate to step on or over you while RPing.
I am sending out a PM to ALL RPer’s. Please, Please, Please. Get back to me ASAP on it. We need a head count on WHO will be in this RP. The Soul Society is limited in it’s RPer’s compared to Las Noches. So the more that step up the better the chances are you will win in Aizen’s new plot.
With that said… I am Tico Taco outta here!
“I hate samba! It all sounds the same! TICO TACO YAYAYA!” --Rio (2014) (quoted by Tsukiro >XD)