Kaló̀±s í̀±rthate ston kósmo mou!
(Welcome to my World)
Ok, this is the first world I'm making about random stuff and myself, so, I hope you like it!
So, a little bit about me...

Name: can't say, but call me Oka
Sex: female
Age: 13
Hair color/style: Brown/medium long and wavy
Eye color: brown
Height: 5ft. 2-3in.

Hope you enjoy my world!

Hello again

Hey. I just wanted to put up some pics I found on google :P

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Yay :D

Hey! How you doin?! Thought you peoples might like this:


OMG I AM SOOO MAD!!!! My computer won't let me copy and paste anymore so I can't make anything new!!! I'll keep trying, but I had to tell everyone why I won't be puttng up new work for a while

Thank you, have a nice day

Ah, the beauty of other people's stupidity on the internet

ok, I mean no offense to anyone on this post. I'm talking about the people in the video, ok? So please don't yell at me in comments.

Ok, this is just funny, 'cause there are so many dumb things in it. I'll probably be continuing this post later on, but for now, this is it. Ok, let me ask you......should a teenager be riding a tricycle?