What's with people playing roles of Bleach characters? I don't really get why they do that; I find it really weird. >_> Like can't you just be yourself?
And I don't know if these people are already members on the site, but created new accounts to roleplay. If they did, I think it's a waste of space, and theO should delete those accounts... >_> Not to be mean or anything, but I'm just thinking about how... not beneficial it is? Iono [what I'm saying anymore]. XP I'm just wondering if it's like taking up bandwidth/making theO pay more for unneeded accounts. I don't know how accurate that is, lol. I don't know how it works, or if I'm using the right terms. @_@;
But I do think it would be a good idea if theO started clubs/groups, that sort of thing. 8D
Well aside from that, I'm finally done with all the apology art for my Secret Santa event. @n@ Now I can finally work on the requests from a bunch of other people that I never got to. ><; After that, I'm planning to take in more requests. XD I'm thinking of giving out free chibi-like doodles, lol. What do you guys think? 83