Heya! I'm DoNotCare, but you can call me Victoria! I come from England, and this is my blogging world.

Quote: If someone gets you down, it's up to you to get back up again.

Gateway To The Mind: Part 1

The year was 1982. Many anonymous scientists were working on a theory - they believed that if all five senses, hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch, were removed, you would be so alone with your thoughts that you could make contact with God. Normally, they wouldn't be allowed to perform this kind of experiment on a human being, however an elderly man with many dead friends and relatives arrived at the laboratory, telling the scientists he had nothing to live for. He was about to become the guinea pig for this experiment.


Hello! Just thought I'd let you know, my next posts are going to be about a deep story. I'm gonna split it up into four parts, and I hope you enjoy!

Quote: Never think of yourself as a fool - you make your own choices.