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I'm getting really lazy these days... I have to write like 5 reviews in AN-IMEzing World! but I'm literally like this:

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I have so much to do this weekend. I have at least 5 things to do! Imma list them out:

My Freaking List

  • Do 5 reviews in AN-IMEzing World! (Vampire Knight/Guilty, Fullmetal Alchemist, Hetalia, Free, Sword Art Online)
  • Finish model for Science project
  • Finish picture book for Tech project
  • Practice singing for audition
  • Drink a lot of water and do anything to make myself feel better from being sick
  • Get monologue for audition
  • Do essay for exam
  • Finish my o.c
  • Exercise and stop procrastinating on this point!!!
  • Decide whether or not I should keep Writers' Workplace
  • Post a few quotes in Quote Crescent

So I've included my school stuff in the list as well lol

And I'm sick. T.T I woke up with a runny/stuffy nose this morning and my voice sounds weird as a result from the 2 days prior when my sore throat started. About the audition part, at my school, I wanted to audition for a musical. The musical will be The Little Mermaid. So I have to sing a song of my choice at the audition and say a 1 min monologue. But now my voice sounds like a giraffe speaking retarded English so I'm just like TTUTT

I'm going to update the list whenever I get one of them accomplished.

Also, I started to notice the drama that's appearing at school. And I don't like it. I thought this school year would be better than last year. Guess not. So many feelings are being broken, so many problems, and I think there's a chance that friends are going to end up as strangers. It hurts.

That's... life... right? :(

