Auditions BP #55


I have crossed out some of the stuff that was on my list from my last post cuz I already accomplished them. Finally! But I have to work more on theO.

So today were the auditions. I haven't even finished my monologue so after I said what I wrote, I said stuff from the top of my head. But you can tell that it looks like I forgot my lines or something. Btw, my monologue was about procrastinating. xD

And I sung Summertime Of Our Lives by Cody Simpson. It's a good thing I only have to present in front of Ms.F (remember, she was the teacher hosting the Remembrance Day Assembly) instead of EVERYONE who's auditioning. But I was practicing and randomly singing in front of some of them anyway after my audition lol

The thing that made me nervous was that I was the very first one. *Falls on the floor and mourns around* It's over anyway lol

I sang in front of S and one of my other friends, S.H, after my audition and they said that I had a cute, kiddy voice. .///. If I do get in the musical, I feel like I'm going to be Flounder.

But I panicked while saying my "monologue" so idk if I'm going to get a part. 80 freaking people are auditioning throughout this whole week. Wahh TTUTT

And I have still have that cold ugh. I'm sneezing like it's allergy season but it's NOVEMBER and my nose is fricken cosplaying Niagara Falls.

Nose. Stop it. Stop. NOW.

*Uses up 5 tissue boxes*

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And I have this exam tomorrow morning too...

I'm sorry I'm complaining so much.
I should really make a rant about this... omg light bulb.

Good night!

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