

I found myself chained in a dark room. Hands cuffed behind me and my ankles chained to the ground. I heard auctions going on outside from where I was. I was caught by the sellers! I was going to be sold to a vampire!

I tried to loosen my chains, but to no avail. So I dropped my head and let my blonde wavy hair lay over my face. I was going to be sold, used, and abused...heh, that didn't sound to bad, I could always just die.

As tears about formed in my eyes, I felt my face lifted by a cold hand, I kept my gave down, like I died, hoping the person would realize.

"Are alright?" a cold, calm, soothing male voice said as he moved my hair. "You are alive, I can see that."

I looked up at the man holding my face. Black shiny silky hair with yellow and red eyes, not orange or two different eye colors, an actual yellow iris with red in it. Though his paleness was very noticeable, he was a vampire! "Let me go, I don't want to be sold."

He smiled, "I won't buy you. I want to rescue you." he looked out to where the action was being taken. "I'm Toma, yes I'm a vampire...But I'm not cruel. I won't make you my salve, unless you want to be, but I will still release you." he rubbed my face and broke the cuffs and chains binding me.

I rubbed my wrists and looked at the man standing in front of me with his hand extended. I grabbed his hand and he helped me up. "Thank you..." I bowed my head at him.

"Do you have a choice?" Toma asked me with a gentle smile.

"A choice to be your slave or not. Maybe..." I glared a little at him.

"Will you tell me?" He rubbed my hair gently with that smile still on his face.

I jerked away from his hand and looked at my feet. "I don't know why, but I feel as if I want to be your slave." I looked at him with a studying eyes. I couldn't think of a reason why, but he rescued me, he was kind, I felt like I could be treated well by him.

Toma smiled at me, placed his hand on my shoulder. "Then come with me." he ushered me out of this dark place.
Well thats my first post for Hirari ;)
I'll probably do Toma's tomorrow, or later tonight If I'm still awake

Also, i never got to drawing what they look like ><! So here is a picture, Hirari would be the blonde one with the mic.
