Hi! I'm Bloody or Wolfie.
I live in the Buckeye State... OHIO
My birthday is August 6th.. 1996.
I've been on TheO for years now.
I enjoy FX Makeups and Photography. <3

I can always talk about more >w>

I also love love love corgi dogs... I have OCD.. Obsessive Corgi Disorder. My facebook and phone are filled with pictures of Corgis yet I do not own one.. So I love on others corgis.. lol

Feel free to add any of my accounts or ask anything, I don't bite too hard :DDD

Get Up Close && Personal Shall we?
GaiaOnline: Adaliaxia
Youtube: Adaliaxia
Facebook: Amber Renea
Polyvore: Amber Renea
Skype: AllyUnderland
Kik: KawaiiAmby
Number: Ask for it. c:

Any other sites you want me on? Tell me X3

I found it and Blacked it

I blacked out sumthing in it but oh well you can still see it where it is T-T


Mood:Writting mood
Listening to:My Radio and the songs in my head

hey Everyone *waves*well today My side started hurting I can't be near Counters at all or my side hurts or Tables I had to climb the stairs at least 5 times I used 2 hall passes just to use sum cuz' I had only 2 used XD I don't go anywhere much never had to XD I went to get a drink and to buy a penceil *nods*all fun trips I might go again cuz' I want to use them up cuz' I can't use em again I never have anywhere to go at School I can't get outta and go with using a hall pass XD I rule huh? well Teachers feel sorry for me and I'm a good student almost straight As 1 C no Fs in my Report cards ever If I did I would shoot Myself in the foot XD I'm doing my own Essay Of Shakesphere *nods*so Talk to me before I get Absorbed in My Essay I made myself do it cuz' I haven't had a Essay yet and I want one so I decided to write My own Essay of Shakesphere and His Work and then Do a Essay of Twilight Series I forgot My Science homework so I'll have to do that in first Period Make Smarty Ben help me on it just to make him mad XD he thinks I like him I don't know if hes right *shrugs*I met him in Kroger's said"Hi Ben"Left and Hit myself Cuz' I got bored afterwards XD he says funny things XD and he gave me a nickname Sparkle XD cuz' I spell most of the Words wrong when we play Sparkle *hangs head down* that makes me mad I ALMOST WON I Got him out Took everyone else down and almost won but Sammy Got me "sparkle"He said in a dull voice"Dang it"I growled then I spelt every word afterwords wrong XD

Talk while I'm free from Shakesphere
(I think I spelt that wrong)T-T

Alice My Half Vampire


Sakimi I guess well for animealert

Here I hope you like it I tryed with the eyes

Cosplay Emo Alice

well all I know is the girl Cosplaying as Alice is named Amiee But I love the cosplay