Hi! I'm Bloody or Wolfie.
I live in the Buckeye State... OHIO
My birthday is August 6th.. 1996.
I've been on TheO for years now.
I enjoy FX Makeups and Photography. <3
I can always talk about more >w>
I also love love love corgi dogs... I have OCD.. Obsessive Corgi Disorder. My facebook and phone are filled with pictures of Corgis yet I do not own one.. So I love on others corgis.. lol
Feel free to add any of my accounts or ask anything, I don't bite too hard :DDD
Get Up Close && Personal Shall we?
GaiaOnline: Adaliaxia
Youtube: Adaliaxia
Facebook: Amber Renea
Polyvore: Amber Renea
Skype: AllyUnderland
Kik: KawaiiAmby
Number: Ask for it. c:
Any other sites you want me on? Tell me X3
I hushed down and looked around 2 people caught my eyes one White haired with gold eyes the other pink hair and purple eyes I gasped and they hid "AIIIEEEEEEE"I Squeaked out"What?"Thayer asked then he froze they 2 came over "Hi I'm Delilah and this is Able"the pink haired girl said "Hi I'm Keira Black"I squeaked"we know"Able said I was shocked "Thayer,alphonse,Kanti,Kante,Tanner and Keira the group of misfits"Delilah said Thayer nodded
Hey everyone please join my contest Pm if you wanna join and the info
mood:Non hyper
Listening to:what hurts the most by Cascada
What hurts the most is being so close and having so much to say and watching you walk away XD Omg THUNDER YAHOO I love this You voice was the soundtrack of my summer I swear I love It XD okay bye I'm bored
Thank you Troublesum Shika for the Card I LOVE IT!!!!!!KYO KYO
"hey Keira Neira"Tanner said"Aieeee Hi Tan Man"I said Kante laughed"haaahhaaaa"Vincent said"whats wrong Vin Vin I thought you liked me being funny"Tanner said in a me voice that sounded like me "AAIIEEEE TANNER What how do you sound like Mawha?"I asked"well Madam Mustel I take Acting classes I have to sound like others"Tanner said in a french acent that made us all Laugh "Okay Tan man"Kanti said then there was a bang.I turned around before the bang and saw it a guy was carring a tray and the popular guys tripped him I got up and went to the guy "GO AWAY TUCKER YOU DON'T NEED TO PICK ON OTHERS JUST BECUSE YOU BROKE UP WITH ASHLY"I yelled and glared at him"F you Black F you"Tucker growled"Bring it Tough guy I'll beat you to a bloody pulp"I growled back feircly"shes not lieing Tuck shes not"Chris yelped I smirked"Finally a smart one I shall beat Tucky wucky up to a bloody pulp"I growled Tucker backed up and ran I laughed"GOOD RIDINCE TUCK"I screamed the guy was up from the floor he looked like he was embaressed "GET BACK TO EATING"I growled at the others I grabbed his hand and pulled him to my table"ummmmm uhhhh Thanks whats your guy's names?"the guy asked"Keira Black"I replyed and pushed my tray to him"Alphonse but I go by Vincent"Vincent replyed"Kanti"kanti whispered"Tanner"Tanner laughed"Kante"Kante replied "I'm Thayer nice to meet you all"Thayer said"but Keira why give me your tray?""duh so you can eat Thayer I'm not hungry anyway"I mumbled"oh"thayer said and sinked in the seat more"its okay Thayer Keira does that alot"Tanner whispered Thayer nodded then Vincent pulled me in his lap"HEY whats the big idea"I yelped"Shhhhh Tucker sicked his thug to beat you shhhhh!"Vincent whispered"KEIRA BLACK APEAR RIGHT NOW"the thug screamed I whimpered"sshhhh Neira"Vincent cooed
Mood:happy haahhhaaa
lisening to:picture to burn by Taylor swift
Haaahhaaa I had a Nice Night Yeah *smiles by remembering*Heeeeehheeee XD sorry I had like 10 cans of Diet Coke XD Haaahhaaa I love it I bursted out laughing like crazy XD so yeah I had too much Caffine XD it still has affect on me XD*laughs*10 cans!!!Haahhhaaaaa I love it Since I had too much Caffine I had a Little Party XD I soung kinda Danced XD It was hilarous till my Brother Matthew ruined my party XD haaahhaaa and He Over throughed me off my thrown!*growls*I'm QUEEN OF THIS HOUSE!XD he pointed a laser gun in my eyes I screamed"AHHHHHHHHHH MY EYES THEY BURN" XD Sumone here can say it was what I did Haaahhaaaa XD Too hyper and Bored I soung Shake It by Metro-Station then Mary's song(oh my my my) by Taylor swift XD it was fun I wonder did I sing good?Haahhaaa XD Failure or Sucsess?SUCSESS!!!!!!!wait 99% sucsess 1%failure XD well Guess what I have Yahoo Messanger on my Laptop XD just wanted to tell you that XD okay I'm free to talk!!!!
Pwease pwease pwease help me here peoples I need you guys to like color in sumthing for me well Storm consiter it a contest okay well heres sum info Storm has brown hair doesn't matter what color and you may I mean may color it a different color like Pink and more of them multi colored heres the prizes
1 prize:4 poems and 2 things you can be in 2 of my stories or you can Request 2 stories of your choice
2 prize:3 poems and 1 thing you can be whitch ever choice of my stories or you can request 1 story of your choice
3 prize:2 poems 2 chances to be in a story of your choice but 1 requested story will be wrote
heres the coloring thing Please Please Please join it I'm despart I am
Pwease join