Hi! I'm Bloody or Wolfie.
I live in the Buckeye State... OHIO
My birthday is August 6th.. 1996.
I've been on TheO for years now.
I enjoy FX Makeups and Photography. <3

I can always talk about more >w>

I also love love love corgi dogs... I have OCD.. Obsessive Corgi Disorder. My facebook and phone are filled with pictures of Corgis yet I do not own one.. So I love on others corgis.. lol

Feel free to add any of my accounts or ask anything, I don't bite too hard :DDD

Get Up Close && Personal Shall we?
GaiaOnline: Adaliaxia
Youtube: Adaliaxia
Facebook: Amber Renea
Polyvore: Amber Renea
Skype: AllyUnderland
Kik: KawaiiAmby
Number: Ask for it. c:

Any other sites you want me on? Tell me X3

Heart break

Heart broken too many times
Love put to the side
Hearts in the garbage Hearts in my eyes
Hearts all over the place
1 heart on me 2 in my hands 3 in the garbage
Love in the air Hate in my eyes
Gold on my nails my heart Black in me
Blackness swallows my heart up
white in yours My eyes show love then hate
Heart Break every where
You put my heart in your hands
I put my heart on my sleve
I put my eyes on you and I blush
You let your eyes land on me you Blush and look away
I look around for you ounce I spot you I blush and hide behind my friends
I had my heart broken to many times
Heart Break Heart attack Heart burn
I'm The Queen of hearts


I love this its not very dark right?

What did I do?

Mood:Sad I'm crying

Why did I do it Break up with Cody?Cody I hope your reading this I'm SOOOO Sorry I cut myself becuse of that I am Sorry I am *crys*I'M SORRY CODY and everyone I'm sorry

Keira Black Story 2

I sighed 'Jacob Knights Oh I hate him ugh'I thought Vincent ran to me hes 5"5' yeah tall I'm 5"1' "what is it Vincent?"I asked"SHHHHH!!!!!Fangirls"he whispered I sighed and Stuffed Vincent in my tall locker right then a crowd of Fangirls ran threw the hall"DANG IT my toe Shiz THAT SHIZING HURTS LIKE FLUCK"I yelled I opened my locker to find Vincent looking Macho I rolled my yes"Out now Vin"I said Vincent got out I looked at him then said"Run they're coming again Vin" Vincent frowned"Awww Shiz cakes"He muttered and ran I laughed but growled then the fangirls came they stopped when they saw me "BACK OFF DANG IT FLUCKING Fangirls"I growled they backed up and up and up then bam right into a wall.I laughed my butt off I ran to Homeroom Mr.Zeniko I sighed and slunked in my seat no listening to a thing this was the same in all my periods but Lunch I walked into the lunch room to be attacked by guys "DANG IT GET OFF ME OFF I SAY OFF"I yelled Vincent picked me off up from the dog pile of guys I yelped in pain he was holding my bad arm that had 6 cuts on it "Sorry come on we got your food tray and a seat near the others"Vincent said I nodded and followed him.the others being Tanner,Zero,Kante and Kanti "HI guys"I yelped as getting picked up by Zero Zero is very pale he has silver emo flip hair and Kante and Kanti are twins one with purple eyes and he other with blue Kante had blue eyes and Kanti had purple eyes Kante and Kanti have Blonde hair long emo flip ones that go to their chest "Hey Keira"

Keira Black,Edward Black and Alphonse "Vincent" Dawn

Lol here Keira is 16 and Edward is 13 and alphonse goes by Vincent and Vincent is 17


I'm Keira Cher Black I have a Bf named Alphonse Vincent Dawn and a little Brother Edward Alexzander Black "KEIRA HURRY UP"Edward yelled"coming Ed wait"I yelled back I had my light orange hair and Blue on the tips puffed up Edward had Dark Orange and Purple Highlights with puffy hair I grabbed my darkish Pink"Avril Lavigne"Sweater to pull over my loss Black long sleve shirt I ran with my "Fall Out Boy"Book bag swinging wildly"Bye Les"I yelled at my mom I ran to the door and got to the bus stop when the bus came"Hey Keira"and "Hi Keira"were thrown at me in every direction I laughed"Hi Carter Hello Olivia"I said I went to the back and sat by Vincent and Tanner they were the Emos so was I Vincent had Brownish,Redish and Orange hair that was puffed up like mine and Tanner had Red and Black emo flip hair "Hey Vincent hey Tanner"I said waving with my hand "Hey Keira"Tanner said Lamely "Hi Keira"Vincent said and looked at me"What periods do we take Tan Man Vin vin the man?"I asked"Oh that mnmmmmm I have Math and Art with you then nothing"Tanner said"We have every period together"Vincent said to me I nodded "Pst Pst Keira Keira"Someone infron of me whispered"What is it another will you go out with me from Jacob?"I asked Jacob was another Emo guy I knew lets say he has wanted me to go out with him forever I reject him every time I sighed"Go away Jacob Knights"I said in a lame tone "Nuh uh"Jacob whispered I sighed and Wispered "Tan man please switch me spots"Tanner nodded and switched I laughed "HA Take that JACOB"I sneered Vincent and Tanner laughed "Nice one Keira Neira"They said in Unison "I so know"I said Tanner,Vincent and I got up and left to High school Edward going to Joiuner high I sighed "off to my locker By Vincent and Tan Man"I laughed "sure whatever Keira Neira"Tanner said"sure Keira"Vincent said my eyes widened"huh?Eh?oh yeah *laughs*to my locker Number 4"I sighed 'so far from Vincent and soo close to Jacob'I sighed

Bloody?No Eh?Cuts?Yes Madame cut

Listening to:Boys Like girls Great Escape

Oh my I cut myself cuz' I was weak I cried last night and grabed the sirrors without thinking about it and cut myself I feel so bad I broke up with my Bf and it seems so wrong so now I hide from him and coware in a corner from him see I'm unstable so now I cry so much i hurts I got to see Gowl Penton a Quarter back for Ohio State Univisity(OSU) he told us about him and his hardship he was funny he made us laugh and almost made me cry again so I put my bangs which are to my chest in my eyes to hide me crying and I almost tripped on the stairs over my feet T-T I need a care taker for me huh?so I was about to let myself trip but then I thought and stoped myself from it My best Friend Emy Rosen rubbed my cuts and I yelped in pain their sore big time I had to hide them from all my teachers they would ask questions of what happened I would break down crying from that then I would be stuck with the Guildince Conslor I forgot her name and I would so hate it I would break down crying right infront of her I'm unstable SEE WHAT YOU DID MOTHER AND FATHER DEAREST I'M A EMOIONAL WRECK!!!! ugh I'm going to cry *looks away* Emy Rosen is like my fake mother she Punishes me and when she rubbed my cuts it was my punishment for cutting myself and Emy and I song a Song by All American Rejects XD we ruled at singing it Tyler Colburn tthe guy who sat next us said"Typical"see Emy and I are weird and Wild together and we Song Shake It by Metro-Station on the bus XD