Hi! I'm Bloody or Wolfie.
I live in the Buckeye State... OHIO
My birthday is August 6th.. 1996.
I've been on TheO for years now.
I enjoy FX Makeups and Photography. <3

I can always talk about more >w>

I also love love love corgi dogs... I have OCD.. Obsessive Corgi Disorder. My facebook and phone are filled with pictures of Corgis yet I do not own one.. So I love on others corgis.. lol

Feel free to add any of my accounts or ask anything, I don't bite too hard :DDD

Get Up Close && Personal Shall we?
GaiaOnline: Adaliaxia
Youtube: Adaliaxia
Facebook: Amber Renea
Polyvore: Amber Renea
Skype: AllyUnderland
Kik: KawaiiAmby
Number: Ask for it. c:

Any other sites you want me on? Tell me X3


Dark as Dark gets as much as I try to be light
What do I do to make me light?
Dark as I am I think theres no hope for me to be light
my personality is as Dark as it comes
4 more times and I'll give up hope on life
4 more days and I'll be darker
4 more only 4 more and I'm done for
Dark as they get many more times as darker then you
throw me in the dark as you do and I'll be 4 times as hateful then you
bring it on try to put me down as your own
I will fight with all my might as you put me down in the dirt
I come back up without a word you put me down in the dirt below your feet
I will always be dark while you are still alive
Darker dark as dark as they come

yeah yeah it seems weird a 12year old kid writting dark poetry but I have a shine to i I guess

4 freaking Butthole days of Doom Turn back (not really)

Mood:Happy (llaalllla)
Watching:Jerry Springer

OMG *runs around and hits a wall*Whoops I did that on purpose I think well 4 more agonising days till 6th grade and me dealing with Mr.Morrison *cough*I hate him so much he picks on me hes mean to me because of who my teacher was in 4th grade AGH I don't like it 15 whole minutes of my doom and I'm sad that my last class is Reading I love reading and Miss.Crawford is pretty awesome also but oh well I have math with Angel,Homeroom with Lauren and Shane and Scince with Cody I think oh well I woke up early too 8 0'clock I am seriously not getting my sleep I need I went to bed at 5:23ishy I must be crazy the whole 4 days thing is taking a toll on me *yawns* and I watched a new Anime it kicks butt its Jing the king of Bandits I love it even though it was in Japanesse and had subtitles it was awesomeness XD and my bud Kittyheart (my real life friend)has a story of hers called Fruits in a basket its a joined like writing thing well heres the world KYO ROCKS and ummm EmoLovesEmoBoy hank you sooooo much *hugs* http://www.theotaku.com/worlds/FruitsinaBaskethope you like it we are in the process of the story and I hope it lets you all see the world and I wish I was a cat XD lol


you hate me I know that much
oh why throw me deeper and deeper in pain
Deep Deeper Deeper then I can take
oh why why why so deep in pain for me
You hate me an throw me deep in pain
I tell you I'm sorry for you hating me
deeper and deeper may I be in pain
you throw me in a ocean of pain and suffering
I wish to have my own Revenge Deep and deeper I fall in to hate you
oh you throw names at me and throw me in a ocean of Pain
I cry out to you all you do is make me fall deep in pain an suffering
Deep and Deep then Deeper and Deeper I may fall

Do you even care?

I got cut so deep
Do you even care?
I got rocks throwed at me
Do you even care about me?
you put me down in the dirt just to show me whos the boss
I put you down in the dirt just to show you how I feel
you hurt me to show how you don't even care
I hit you to show you I can hurt you like you do to me
you put me in my room with me crying
I cry and cry Do You Even Care?
I am in shackles I am in hurt
do you even care about me?
You are right I am wrong
I am in pain Your on top of the world
Do you even care what happens to me?
You are in bliss I'm in hurt can't you see
Do you even Care about me?

Tis me again Sorry X3 but I had too I'm bored

Tis me Amber the hyper active Knuckle head Of OHIO LOL XD I'm bored yeah I am but I WANT SOMEONE To talk to =-= tis no more fun at all to me I'm bored if you guys don't message this Hyper active girl is going to be gone to Quizilla forever and ever not really but MAN ITS BORING HERE me is sad (man I sound like a child like Tobi and maybe tis someone else tooz)Lol XD okay then I'm going to Quizilla to read more things from them *walks alittle*please stop me pweaze Amby don't wanna go WAHHHHH!!!!!! you guys Amby Is very bored to death message her she Iz bored XD