Heres the story:each clan leader picked a Warrior or so to go to see Fang clan Bluestar picked Scarclaw,Wildhead and me to go Fluffy my sister purred with amusment I glared at her she smiled delightly Wildhead meowed with amusment I ran out of the camp Bluestar said"Becareful Hawksky your the leader be very desisive with destions ok?"I nodded Scarclaw trotted up by me Wildhead ran to catch up we ran through the forest to a big rock that had a Fang cut thing on the surface we padded to a camp with red roses surronding the outside of it we walked into the camp the leaders greeted us with a smile they said"Hi I'm Bloodahana and this is my mate Kibaku and Welcome to Fang clan are dupty is Akane whos over there"Bloodahana pointed with her tail to a Wolf that sat in the shadows we nodded and smiled a black wolf with a red rose walked up to me and dropped the rose at my paws the wolf sat a few feet higher than me the wolf's bright amber eyes burned into my icey blue ones I picked up the rose it smelled so sweet the wolf mouthed its name it was Koda another wolf a white one walked up to me with a blue rose the wolf mouthed its name it was named Kota.Kota dropped the blue rose at my paws I smiled sweetly at both wolves they smiled back Kibaku barked lightly he layed down in the dirt.we nodded goodbye to the Fang clan they barked goodbye to us Koda and Kota looked at the ground where I sat they saw the Blue and Red rose on the ground they picked the roses up Kibaku nodded to them.We ran to Thunderclan camp to try to get some fresh kill before it was all gone Kota and Koda sighlently followed us We went through the tunnel to camp Bluestar greeted us with a sweet smileshe showed us a white kit that was so addorable she nodded to me this was my new Apperentice the white kit was named Angelkit tomarrow will be the ceremony for Angelkit.Yellowfang hissed A black wolf and a White wolf sat near the enterence of the camp My eyes widened alittle they pawed at the dirt the dust got on Kota's white paw he looked very nervous
to be wrote