Mood: Upsetish
Listening to: Its a good Song Okay?
time: 10:01 AM
Alright so hi. My aunt Lana is here this week.. We made rocks and steam punk jewelry yesterday. The jewelry looks amazing! I'll post pics later on sometime.. 0-0; But its Amazing.
Alright onto the thing Im mad about:
So we all know that I have a semi-bad attitude alot.. Well apparently theres rumors around my school... All around that I just now heard..
I'm a badass, Bitch, Slut, Whore, I had Sex, I kissed many guys, I killed someone, I dont give a damn about anything...
That hurts. Im a wanna be badass, I havent had sex, I havent had my first kiss, The only person I ever killed was myself and I do care. -w-;
Makes me upset that people want to say that. SO THIS IS TO THEM:
I was raised to believe and fight for what I thought was right and they sure arent that. =3
Oh and this is what the haters can kill me over:
Oh yeah.