Hey you guys!
I had my first first exam today... It was American Government.. Next I have Spanish.. Which I'll fail miserably.. >w>
Anyways today this girl gave me an art set with a small sketch pad and colored pencils.. My parents and her parents were good friends but I really love my gift considering we're two different people honestly.. She's a cheerleader and I'm outcastness in a way.. I love it though...
Also.. I was sick the whole weekend.. with the flu.. So Sunday I had to make a lovely trip to the doctors office to get rehydrated... I sucked down my fluids within an hour and felt very very hungry and tried to convince my mother to let me go and eat everything... I was denied..
Needless to say I'm taking three medicines because of all this..
Tylenol #3 with Codine
A steroid
and Fennegrin
Basically bunches of medicine to make me better or attempt to..
I still feel like crap though... Ohhh well..
Also working on my art project.. its a linoleum block tile of Okami's Amaterasu.. as a chibi wolfie.. I'm so happy with the outlook right now.. XD
Also my boyfriend stopped being a buttface and took care of me for 3 days due to my sickness..
Probably doesn't help I walked yesterday in the freezing cold and snow while recovering from the flu... >w>
I don't learn lessons!
Love you guys
and thank you for best wishes!
~ Bloody