9 in the afternoon by Panic at the disco

listen to:9 in the afternoon by Panic at the disco

Hi guys well today for starters is pretty bad well I didn't eat breakfast took a pop for breakfast then at lunch recess I tripped and skined up my leg big time but I was told not to get up to go to the board when I wanted to but My day is pretty good so far other then that well I get to have My Own Freaking room SO AWESOME its 3x as big as my grandparents but My twirp bro Matthew gets to use it for My conputer and the floor but the floors a shaggy dirty green :P yuck! so yeah and since I'm growning like a weed I'm getting a new bed but I gotta clean up the room with my Grandma to get it sooo yeah and plus this is a different conputer I'm on so I won't have many pics up and ummmm Zeek I'll get on the Collage as soon as I can XD but I don't have Picasa on this conputer so yeah and ummmm My Laptop is unstable so it could die any minute soo I will transfer my pictures on this conputer then get a new laptop at christmas or get a used one after it crashes what should I do?
