Listening to:Many songs planted in mind

Hi everyone well lets see We ate Cookies todays my grandma's birthday tomarrow's my MOTHER's Birthday then after that is My Dog Buddy's birthday XD 2,3,4 XD OMG ITS THEIR BIRTHDAYS *jumps up in air*Yahoo!and I have finally went crazy I've had no pop for 3 days and I'm living on Nuthing in my stomach Wait I have French Frys and Cookies in my Tummy and Sum what Butterflies if you wanna know just Pm Me why The Butterflies in the Tummy thing XD DOH I remembered what I did in 6th period it was we did a career thing and I got F and my color is Green and it said I was creative and I can be anything that brings out my creativity so I was thinging Singing?dancing?Art?Poems?What? and I was hyper and the girls I sit with were going crazy we went Tick Tick Tick KABOOM and then I yelled BENCH! they laughed cuz Sumone got in a fight on the internet and Said OH NO YOU DIDN'T BENCH!
I laughed my butt of OMG History of Emperor Nero?Who the Heck is he?AND I LOVE EDWARD CULLEN!!!and I wrote Edward Cullen on my paper XD and I yesterday kept Screaming Edward Cullen XD I'm obessed

heheehe So True Edward Cullen Will you?
