Mood:Surpisingly Happy Cheerful
Listening to:Taylor Swift
Shiz I Saw My Father and Mother today I didn't get too close to either of them I was always Far from em Afraid of Getting to close and being pushed away and well we ate and went to my Great Uncle Leslie's new House and I drew on paint and well I did nuthing more but talk to Troublesum Shika and Jess all day *laughs*and I let my shy side out more I think I may just turn on my Strong side and Make through with my Shy side and keep it like that for along time well I always acted like I was a Lion when I'm a flower a fragile flower that could break anytime and anywhere *blushes*yeah My true side I'm not a Leo I'm more like a IDK but I am Shyer then A Leo person *looks down*but I was made this way a Sheep in a Lion's clothing XD well thats it
True I did but that Barb wire may come off but stay scared on my heart